root/galaxy-central/tools/data_source/ @ 3

リビジョン 2, 17.4 KB (コミッタ: hatakeyama, 14 年 前)

import galaxy-central

1#!/usr/bin/env python
2#Processes uploads from the user.
4# WARNING: Changes in this tool (particularly as related to parsing) may need
5# to be reflected in galaxy.web.controllers.tool_runner and
7import urllib, sys, os, gzip, tempfile, shutil, re, gzip, zipfile, codecs, binascii
8from galaxy import eggs
9# need to import model before sniff to resolve a circular import dependency
10import galaxy.model
11from galaxy.datatypes import sniff
12from galaxy.datatypes.binary import *
13from galaxy.datatypes.images import Pdf
14from galaxy.datatypes.registry import Registry
15from galaxy import util
16from galaxy.util.json import *
19    import bz2
21    bz2 = None
23assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 )
25def stop_err( msg, ret=1 ):
26    sys.stderr.write( msg )
27    sys.exit( ret )
28def file_err( msg, dataset, json_file ):
29    json_file.write( to_json_string( dict( type = 'dataset',
30                                           ext = 'data',
31                                           dataset_id = dataset.dataset_id,
32                                           stderr = msg ) ) + "\n" )
33    # never remove a server-side upload
34    if dataset.type in ( 'server_dir', 'path_paste' ):
35        return
36    try:
37        os.remove( dataset.path )
38    except:
39        pass
40def safe_dict(d):
41    """
42    Recursively clone json structure with UTF-8 dictionary keys
44    """
45    if isinstance(d, dict):
46        return dict([(k.encode('utf-8'), safe_dict(v)) for k,v in d.iteritems()])
47    elif isinstance(d, list):
48        return [safe_dict(x) for x in d]
49    else:
50        return d
51def check_html( temp_name, chunk=None ):
52    if chunk is None:
53        temp = open(temp_name, "U")
54    else:
55        temp = chunk
56    regexp1 = re.compile( "<A\s+[^>]*HREF[^>]+>", re.I )
57    regexp2 = re.compile( "<IFRAME[^>]*>", re.I )
58    regexp3 = re.compile( "<FRAMESET[^>]*>", re.I )
59    regexp4 = re.compile( "<META[^>]*>", re.I )
60    regexp5 = re.compile( "<SCRIPT[^>]*>", re.I )
61    lineno = 0
62    for line in temp:
63        lineno += 1
64        matches = line ) or line ) or line ) or line ) or line )
65        if matches:
66            if chunk is None:
67                temp.close()
68            return True
69        if lineno > 100:
70            break
71    if chunk is None:
72        temp.close()
73    return False
74def check_binary( temp_name ):
75    is_binary = False
76    temp = open( temp_name, "U" )
77    chars_read = 0
78    for chars in temp:
79        for char in chars:
80            chars_read += 1
81            if ord( char ) > 128:
82                is_binary = True
83                break
84            if chars_read > 100:
85                break
86        if chars_read > 100:
87            break
88    temp.close()
89    return is_binary
90def check_bam( temp_name ):
91    return Bam().sniff( temp_name )
92def check_sff( temp_name ):
93    return Sff().sniff( temp_name )
94def check_pdf( temp_name ):
95    return Pdf().sniff( temp_name )
96def check_bigwig( temp_name ):
97    return BigWig().sniff( temp_name )
98def check_bigbed( temp_name ):
99    return BigBed().sniff( temp_name )
100def check_gzip( temp_name ):
101    # This method returns a tuple of booleans representing ( is_gzipped, is_valid )
102    # Make sure we have a gzipped file
103    try:
104        temp = open( temp_name, "U" )
105        magic_check = 2 )
106        temp.close()
107        if magic_check != util.gzip_magic:
108            return ( False, False )
109    except:
110        return ( False, False )
111    # We support some binary data types, so check if the compressed binary file is valid
112    # If the file is Bam, it should already have been detected as such, so we'll just check
113    # for sff format.
114    try:
115        header = temp_name ).read(4)
116        if binascii.b2a_hex( header ) == binascii.hexlify( '.sff' ):
117            return ( True, True )
118    except:
119        return( False, False )
120    CHUNK_SIZE = 2**15 # 32Kb
121    gzipped_file = gzip.GzipFile( temp_name, mode='rb' )
122    chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
123    gzipped_file.close()
124    # See if we have a compressed HTML file
125    if check_html( temp_name, chunk=chunk ):
126        return ( True, False )
127    return ( True, True )
128def check_bz2( temp_name ):
129    try:
130        temp = open( temp_name, "U" )
131        magic_check = 3 )
132        temp.close()
133        if magic_check != util.bz2_magic:
134            return ( False, False )
135    except:
136        return( False, False )
137    CHUNK_SIZE = 2**15 # reKb
138    bzipped_file = bz2.BZ2File( temp_name, mode='rb' )
139    chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
140    bzipped_file.close()
141    # See if we have a compressed HTML file
142    if check_html( temp_name, chunk=chunk ):
143        return ( True, False )
144    return ( True, True )
145def check_zip( temp_name ):
146    if zipfile.is_zipfile( temp_name ):
147        return True
148    return False
149def parse_outputs( args ):
150    rval = {}
151    for arg in args:
152        id, files_path, path = arg.split( ':', 2 )
153        rval[int( id )] = ( path, files_path )
154    return rval
155def add_file( dataset, registry, json_file, output_path ):
156    data_type = None
157    line_count = None
158    converted_path = None
159    stdout = None
161    if dataset.type == 'url':
162        try:
163            temp_name, dataset.is_multi_byte = sniff.stream_to_file( urllib.urlopen( dataset.path ), prefix='url_paste' )
164        except Exception, e:
165            file_err( 'Unable to fetch %s\n%s' % ( dataset.path, str( e ) ), dataset, json_file )
166            return
167        dataset.path = temp_name
168    # See if we have an empty file
169    if not os.path.exists( dataset.path ):
170        file_err( 'Uploaded temporary file (%s) does not exist.' % dataset.path, dataset, json_file )
171        return
172    if not os.path.getsize( dataset.path ) > 0:
173        file_err( 'The uploaded file is empty', dataset, json_file )
174        return
175    if not dataset.type == 'url':
176        # Already set is_multi_byte above if type == 'url'
177        try:
178            dataset.is_multi_byte = util.is_multi_byte( dataset.path, 'r', 'utf-8' ).read( 100 ) )
179        except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
180            dataset.is_multi_byte = False
181    # Is dataset content multi-byte?
182    if dataset.is_multi_byte:
183        data_type = 'multi-byte char'
184        ext = sniff.guess_ext( dataset.path, is_multi_byte=True )
185    # Is dataset content supported sniffable binary?
186    elif check_bam( dataset.path ):
187        ext = 'bam'
188        data_type = 'bam'
189    elif check_sff( dataset.path ):
190        ext = 'sff'
191        data_type = 'sff'
192    elif check_pdf( dataset.path ):
193        ext = 'pdf'
194        data_type = 'pdf'
195    elif check_bigwig( dataset.path ):
196        ext = 'bigwig'
197        data_type = 'bigwig'
198    elif check_bigbed( dataset.path ):
199        ext = 'bigbed'
200        data_type = 'bigbed'
201    else:
202        # See if we have a gzipped file, which, if it passes our restrictions, we'll uncompress
203        is_gzipped, is_valid = check_gzip( dataset.path )
204        if is_gzipped and not is_valid:
205            file_err( 'The gzipped uploaded file contains inappropriate content', dataset, json_file )
206            return
207        elif is_gzipped and is_valid:
208            # We need to uncompress the temp_name file, but BAM files must remain compressed in the BGZF format
209            CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 # 1Mb   
210            fd, uncompressed = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='data_id_%s_upload_gunzip_' % dataset.dataset_id, dir=os.path.dirname( dataset.path ), text=False )
211            gzipped_file = gzip.GzipFile( dataset.path, 'rb' )
212            while 1:
213                try:
214                    chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
215                except IOError:
216                    os.close( fd )
217                    os.remove( uncompressed )
218                    file_err( 'Problem decompressing gzipped data', dataset, json_file )
219                    return
220                if not chunk:
221                    break
222                os.write( fd, chunk )
223            os.close( fd )
224            gzipped_file.close()
225            # Replace the gzipped file with the decompressed file
226            shutil.move( uncompressed, dataset.path )
227   = '.gz' )
228            data_type = 'gzip'
229        if not data_type and bz2 is not None:
230            # See if we have a bz2 file, much like gzip
231            is_bzipped, is_valid = check_bz2( dataset.path )
232            if is_bzipped and not is_valid:
233                file_err( 'The gzipped uploaded file contains inappropriate content', dataset, json_file )
234                return
235            elif is_bzipped and is_valid:
236                # We need to uncompress the temp_name file
237                CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 # 1Mb   
238                fd, uncompressed = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='data_id_%s_upload_bunzip2_' % dataset.dataset_id, dir=os.path.dirname( dataset.path ), text=False )
239                bzipped_file = bz2.BZ2File( dataset.path, 'rb' )
240                while 1:
241                    try:
242                        chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
243                    except IOError:
244                        os.close( fd )
245                        os.remove( uncompressed )
246                        file_err( 'Problem decompressing bz2 compressed data', dataset, json_file )
247                        return
248                    if not chunk:
249                        break
250                    os.write( fd, chunk )
251                os.close( fd )
252                bzipped_file.close()
253                # Replace the gzipped file with the decompressed file
254                shutil.move( uncompressed, dataset.path )
255       = '.bz2' )
256                data_type = 'bz2'
257        if not data_type:
258            # See if we have a zip archive
259            is_zipped = check_zip( dataset.path )
260            if is_zipped:
261                CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 # 1Mb
262                uncompressed = None
263                uncompressed_name = None
264                unzipped = False
265                z = zipfile.ZipFile( dataset.path )
266                for name in z.namelist():
267                    if name.endswith('/'):
268                        continue
269                    if unzipped:
270                        stdout = 'ZIP file contained more than one file, only the first file was added to Galaxy.'
271                        break
272                    fd, uncompressed = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='data_id_%s_upload_zip_' % dataset.dataset_id, dir=os.path.dirname( dataset.path ), text=False )
273                    zipped_file = name )
274                    while 1:
275                        try:
276                            chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
277                        except IOError:
278                            os.close( fd )
279                            os.remove( uncompressed )
280                            file_err( 'Problem decompressing zipped data', dataset, json_file )
281                            return
282                        if not chunk:
283                            break
284                        os.write( fd, chunk )
285                    os.close( fd )
286                    zipped_file.close()
287                    uncompressed_name = name
288                    unzipped = True
289                z.close()
290                # Replace the zipped file with the decompressed file
291                if uncompressed is not None:
292                    shutil.move( uncompressed, dataset.path )
293           = uncompressed_name
294                data_type = 'zip'
295        if not data_type:
296            if check_binary( dataset.path ):
297                # We have a binary dataset, but it is not Bam, Sff or Pdf
298                data_type = 'binary'
299                #binary_ok = False
300                parts = "." )
301                if len( parts ) > 1:
302                    ext = parts[1].strip().lower()
303                    if ext not in unsniffable_binary_formats:
304                        file_err( 'The uploaded binary file contains inappropriate content', dataset, json_file )
305                        return
306                    elif ext in unsniffable_binary_formats and dataset.file_type != ext:
307                        err_msg = "You must manually set the 'File Format' to '%s' when uploading %s files." % ( ext.capitalize(), ext )
308                        file_err( err_msg, dataset, json_file )
309                        return
310        if not data_type:
311            # We must have a text file
312            if check_html( dataset.path ):
313                file_err( 'The uploaded file contains inappropriate HTML content', dataset, json_file )
314                return
315        if data_type != 'binary':
316            # don't convert newlines on data we're only going to symlink
317            if not dataset.get( 'link_data_only', False ):
318                in_place = True
319                if dataset.type in ( 'server_dir', 'path_paste' ):
320                    in_place = False
321                if dataset.space_to_tab:
322                    line_count, converted_path = sniff.convert_newlines_sep2tabs( dataset.path, in_place=in_place )
323                else:
324                    line_count, converted_path = sniff.convert_newlines( dataset.path, in_place=in_place )
325            if dataset.file_type == 'auto':
326                ext = sniff.guess_ext( dataset.path, registry.sniff_order )
327            else:
328                ext = dataset.file_type
329            data_type = ext
330    # Save job info for the framework
331    if ext == 'auto' and dataset.ext:
332        ext = dataset.ext
333    if ext == 'auto':
334        ext = 'data'
335    # Move the dataset to its "real" path
336    if dataset.get( 'link_data_only', False ):
337        pass # data will remain in place
338    elif dataset.type in ( 'server_dir', 'path_paste' ):
339        if converted_path is not None:
340            shutil.copy( converted_path, output_path )
341            try:
342                os.remove( converted_path )
343            except:
344                pass
345        else:
346            # this should not happen, but it's here just in case
347            shutil.copy( dataset.path, output_path )
348    else:
349        shutil.move( dataset.path, output_path )
350    # Write the job info
351    stdout = stdout or 'uploaded %s file' % data_type
352    info = dict( type = 'dataset',
353                 dataset_id = dataset.dataset_id,
354                 ext = ext,
355                 stdout = stdout,
356                 name =,
357                 line_count = line_count )
358    json_file.write( to_json_string( info ) + "\n" )
359    # Groom the dataset content if necessary
360    datatype = registry.get_datatype_by_extension( ext )
361    datatype.groom_dataset_content( output_path )
363def add_composite_file( dataset, registry, json_file, output_path, files_path ):
364        if dataset.composite_files:
365            os.mkdir( files_path )
366            for name, value in dataset.composite_files.iteritems():
367                value = util.bunch.Bunch( **value )
368                if dataset.composite_file_paths[ ] is None and not value.optional:
369                    file_err( 'A required composite data file was not provided (%s)' % name, dataset, json_file )
370                    break
371                elif dataset.composite_file_paths[] is not None:
372                    dp = dataset.composite_file_paths[][ 'path' ]
373                    isurl = dp.find('://') <> -1 # todo fixme
374                    if isurl:
375                       try:
376                           temp_name, dataset.is_multi_byte = sniff.stream_to_file( urllib.urlopen( dp ), prefix='url_paste' )
377                       except Exception, e:
378                           file_err( 'Unable to fetch %s\n%s' % ( dp, str( e ) ), dataset, json_file )
379                           return
380                       dataset.path = temp_name
381                       dp = temp_name
382                    if not value.is_binary:
383                        if dataset.composite_file_paths[ ].get( 'space_to_tab', value.space_to_tab ):
384                            sniff.convert_newlines_sep2tabs( dp )
385                        else:
386                            sniff.convert_newlines( dp )
387                    shutil.move( dp, os.path.join( files_path, name ) )
388        # Move the dataset to its "real" path
389        shutil.move( dataset.primary_file, output_path )
390        # Write the job info
391        info = dict( type = 'dataset',
392                     dataset_id = dataset.dataset_id,
393                     stdout = 'uploaded %s file' % dataset.file_type )
394        json_file.write( to_json_string( info ) + "\n" )
396def __main__():
398    if len( sys.argv ) < 4:
399        print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <root> <datatypes_conf> <json paramfile> <output spec> ...'
400        sys.exit( 1 )
402    output_paths = parse_outputs( sys.argv[4:] )
403    json_file = open( 'galaxy.json', 'w' )
405    registry = Registry( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] )
407    for line in open( sys.argv[3], 'r' ):
408        dataset = from_json_string( line )
409        dataset = util.bunch.Bunch( **safe_dict( dataset ) )
410        try:
411            output_path = output_paths[int( dataset.dataset_id )][0]
412        except:
413            print >>sys.stderr, 'Output path for dataset %s not found on command line' % dataset.dataset_id
414            sys.exit( 1 )
415        if dataset.type == 'composite':
416            files_path = output_paths[int( dataset.dataset_id )][1]
417            add_composite_file( dataset, registry, json_file, output_path, files_path )
418        else:
419            add_file( dataset, registry, json_file, output_path )
420    # clean up paramfile
421    try:
422        os.remove( sys.argv[1] )
423    except:
424        pass
426if __name__ == '__main__':
427    __main__()
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。