for each interval $per_col ${score_file}.h5 ${score_file}.mapping.bed $input $output ${input.metadata.chromCol} ${input.metadata.startCol} ${input.metadata.endCol} numpy tables .. class:: warningmark This tool currently only works with interval data from genome build hg17. .. class:: warningmark This tool assumes that the input dataset is in interval format and contains at least a chrom column, a start column and an end column. These 3 columns can be dispersed throughout any number of other data columns. ----- **Syntax** Append a column to each line of an interval file containing the phastOdds score for that interval. ----- **Example** If your original data has the following format: +-----+-----+---+ |chrom|start|end| +-----+-----+---+ and you choose to compute phastOdds scores, your output will look like this: +-----+-----+---+-----+ |chrom|start|end|score| +-----+-----+---+-----+