of selected columns changeCase.pl $input "$cols" $delimiter $casing $out_file1 .. class:: warningmark **This tool breaks column assignments.** To re-establish column assignments run the tool and click on the pencil icon in the resulting history item. .. class:: warningmark The format of the resulting dataset from this tool is always tabular. ----- **What it does** This tool selects specified columns from a dataset and converts the values of those columns to upper or lower case. - Columns are specified as **c1**, **c2**, and so on. - Columns can be specified in any order (e.g., **c2,c1,c6**) ----- **Example** Changing columns 1 and 3 ( delimited by Comma ) to upper case in:: apple,is,good windows,is,bad will result in:: APPLE is GOOD WINDOWS is BAD