to find common or distinct rows $input1 $input2 $field1 $field2 $mode $out_file1 .. class:: infomark **TIP:** If your data is not TAB delimited, use *Text Manipulation->Convert* ----- **Syntax** This tool finds lines in one query that HAVE or DO NOT HAVE a common field with another query. ----- **Example** If this is **First query**:: chr1 10 20 geneA chr1 50 80 geneB chr5 10 40 geneL and this is **Second query**:: geneA tumor-suppressor geneB Foxp2 geneC Gnas1 geneE INK4a Finding lines of the **First query** whose 4th column matches the 1st column of the **Second query** yields:: chr1 10 20 geneA chr1 50 80 geneB Conversely, using option **Non Matching rows of First query** on the same fields will yield:: chr5 10 40 geneL