#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; # Removes the specified number of lines from the beginning of the file. # remove_beginning.pl [input] [num_lines] [output] die "Check arguments" unless @ARGV == 3; my $inputfile = $ARGV[0]; my $num_lines = $ARGV[1]; my $outputfile = $ARGV[2]; my $curCount=0; my $fhIn; open ($fhIn, "< $inputfile") or die "Cannot open source file"; my $fhOut; open ($fhOut, "> $outputfile"); while (<$fhIn>) { $curCount++; if ($curCount<=$num_lines) { next; } print $fhOut $_; } close ($fhIn) or die "Cannot close source file"; close ($fhOut) or die "Cannot close output file";