converter grep -v "^track" $input1 | wigToBigWig stdin $chromInfo $out_file1 -blockSize=$blockSize -itemsPerSlot=$itemsPerSlot $clip $unc 2>&1 || echo "Error running wigToBigWig." >&2 ucsc_tools **Syntax** This tool converts wiggle data into bigWig type. - **Wiggle format**: The .wig format is line-oriented. Wiggle data is preceded by a UCSC track definition line. Following the track definition line is the track data, which can be entered in three different formats described below. - **BED format** with no declaration line and four columns of data:: chromA chromStartA chromEndA dataValueA chromB chromStartB chromEndB dataValueB - **variableStep** two column data; started by a declaration line and followed with chromosome positions and data values:: variableStep chrom=chrN [span=windowSize] chromStartA dataValueA chromStartB dataValueB - **fixedStep** single column data; started by a declaration line and followed with data values:: fixedStep chrom=chrN start=position step=stepInterval [span=windowSize] dataValue1 dataValue2