human genes associated with disease terms $build $out_file1 ${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/funDo.loc '$term' **Dataset formats** There is no input dataset. The output is in interval_ format. .. _interval: ./static/formatHelp.html#interval ----- **What it does** This tool searches the disease-term field of the DOLite mappings used by the FunDO project and returns a set of genes that are associated with terms matching the specified pattern. (This is the reverse of what FunDO's own server does.) The search is case insensitive, and selects terms that contain any of the given words, either exactly or within a longer word (e.g. "nemia" selects not only "anemia", but also "hyperglycinemia", "tyrosinemias", and many other things). Multiple words should be separated by spaces, not commas. As a special case, entering the word "disease" returns all genes associated with any disease, even if that word does not actually appear in the term field. Website: ----- **Example** Typing:: carcinoma results in:: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. chr11 89507465 89565427 + NAALAD2 10003 Adenocarcinoma chr15 50189113 50192264 - BCL2L10 10017 Carcinoma chr7 150535855 150555250 - ABCF2 10061 Clear cell carcinoma chr7 150540508 150555250 - ABCF2 10061 Clear cell carcinoma chr10 134925911 134940397 - ADAM8 101 Adenocarcinoma chr10 134925911 134940397 - ADAM8 101 Adenocarcinoma etc. where the column contents are as follows:: 1. chromosome name 2. start position of the gene 3. end position of the gene 4. strand 4. gene name 6. Entrez Gene ID 7. disease term ----- **References** Du P, Feng G, Flatow J, Song J, Holko M, Kibbe WA, Lin SM. (2009) From disease ontology to disease-ontology lite: statistical methods to adapt a general-purpose ontology for the test of gene-ontology associations. Bioinformatics. 25(12):i63-8. Osborne JD, Flatow J, Holko M, Lin SM, Kibbe WA, Zhu LJ, Danila MI, Feng G, Chisholm RL. (2009) Annotating the human genome with Disease Ontology. BMC Genomics. 10 Suppl 1:S6.