#!/usr/bin/env python #Dan Blankenberg """ Reads a list of block numbers and a maf. Produces a new maf containing the blocks specified by number. """ import sys from galaxy import eggs import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require( "bx-python" ) from galaxy.tools.util import maf_utilities import bx.align.maf assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 ) def __main__(): input_block_filename = sys.argv[1].strip() input_maf_filename = sys.argv[2].strip() output_filename1 = sys.argv[3].strip() block_col = int( sys.argv[4].strip() ) - 1 if block_col < 0: print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid column specified" sys.exit(0) species = maf_utilities.parse_species_option( sys.argv[5].strip() ) maf_writer = bx.align.maf.Writer( open( output_filename1, 'w' ) ) #we want to maintain order of block file and write blocks as many times as they are listed failed_lines = [] for ctr, line in enumerate( open( input_block_filename, 'r' ) ): try: block_wanted = int( line.split( "\t" )[block_col].strip() ) except: failed_lines.append( str( ctr ) ) continue try: for count, block in enumerate( bx.align.maf.Reader( open( input_maf_filename, 'r' ) ) ): if count == block_wanted: if species: block = block.limit_to_species( species ) maf_writer.write( block ) break except: print >>sys.stderr, "Your MAF file appears to be malformed." sys.exit() if len( failed_lines ) > 0: print "Failed to extract from %i lines (%s)." % ( len( failed_lines ), ",".join( failed_lines ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()