#!/usr/bin/env python """ Read a maf and output a single block fasta file, concatenating blocks usage %prog species1,species2 maf_file out_file """ #Dan Blankenberg import sys from galaxy import eggs import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require( "bx-python" ) from bx.align import maf from galaxy.tools.util import maf_utilities assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 ) def __main__(): try: species = maf_utilities.parse_species_option( sys.argv[1] ) except Exception, e: maf_utilities.tool_fail( "Error determining species value: %s" % e ) try: input_filename = sys.argv[2] except Exception, e: maf_utilities.tool_fail( "Error reading MAF filename: %s" % e ) try: file_out = open( sys.argv[3], 'w' ) except Exception, e: maf_utilities.tool_fail( "Error opening file for output: %s" % e ) if species: print "Restricted to species: %s" % ', '.join( species ) else: print "Not restricted to species." if not species: try: species = maf_utilities.get_species_in_maf( input_filename ) except Exception, e: maf_utilities.tool_fail( "Error determining species in input MAF: %s" % e ) for spec in species: file_out.write( ">" + spec + "\n" ) try: for start_block in maf.Reader( open( input_filename, 'r' ) ): for block in maf_utilities.iter_blocks_split_by_species( start_block ): block.remove_all_gap_columns() #remove extra gaps component = block.get_component_by_src_start( spec ) #blocks only have one occurrence of a particular species, so this is safe if component: file_out.write( component.text ) else: file_out.write( "-" * block.text_size ) except Exception, e: maf_utilities.tool_fail( "Your MAF file appears to be malformed: %s" % e ) file_out.write( "\n" ) file_out.close() if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()