as UCSC custom track $out_file1 $input $chr_col $coord_col $track.track_type #if $track.track_type == "coverage" or $track.track_type == "both" $track.coverage_col "${track.cname}" "${track.cdescription}" "${track.ccolor}" "${track.cvisibility}" #end if #if $track.track_type == "snp" or $track.track_type == "both" "${track.sdescription}" "${track.svisibility}" $track.col2 #end if .. class:: infomark **What it does** This tool turns mapping data generated by short read mappers into a format that can be displayed in the UCSC genome browser as a custom track. ----- .. class:: warningmark **Note** This tool requires the mapping data to contain at least the following information: chromosome, genome coordinate, read nucleotide (if option to display is SNPs), read coverage (if option to display is Read coverage). ----- **Example** For the following Mapping data:: #chr g_start read_id read_coord g_nt read_nt qual read_coverage chrM 1 1:29:1672:1127/1 11 G G 40 134 chrM 1 1:32:93:933/1 4 G A 40 134 chrM 1 1:34:116:2032/1 11 G A 40 134 chrM 1 1:39:207:964/1 1 G G 40 134 chrM 2 1:3:359:848/1 1 G C 40 234 chrM 2 1:40:1435:1013/1 1 G G 40 234 chrM 3 1:40:730:972/1 9 G G 40 334 chrM 4 1:42:1712:921/2 31 G T 35 434 chrM 4 1:44:1649:493/1 4 G G 40 434 running this tool to display both SNPs and Read coverage will return the following tracks, containing aggregated data per genome co-ordinate:: track type=wiggle_0 name="Coverage Track" description="User Supplied Track (from Galaxy)" color=0,0,0 visibility=1 variableStep chrom=chrM 1 134 2 234 3 334 4 434 track type=wiggle_0 name="Track A" description="User Supplied SNP Track (from Galaxy)" color=255,0,0 visibility=1 variableStep chrom=chrM 1 2 track type=wiggle_0 name="Track T" description="User Supplied SNP Track (from Galaxy)" color=0,255,0 visibility=1 variableStep chrom=chrM 4 1 track type=wiggle_0 name="Track G" description="User Supplied SNP Track (from Galaxy)" color=0,0,255 visibility=1 variableStep chrom=chrM 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 track type=wiggle_0 name="Track C" description="User Supplied SNP Track (from Galaxy)" color=255,0,255 visibility=1 variableStep chrom=chrM 2 1