#!/usr/bin/env python """ Split fixed length paired end reads """ import os, sys if __name__ == '__main__': infile = sys.argv[1] outfile_end1 = open(sys.argv[2], 'w') outfile_end2 = open(sys.argv[3], 'w') i = 0 for line in file( infile ): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue end1 = '' end2 = '' line_index = i % 4 if line_index == 0: end1 = line + '/1' end2 = line + '/2' elif line_index == 1: seq_len = len(line)/2 end1 = line[0:seq_len] end2 = line[seq_len:] elif line_index == 2: end1 = line + '/1' end2 = line + '/2' else: qual_len = len(line)/2 end1 = line[0:qual_len] end2 = line[qual_len:] outfile_end1.write('%s\n' %(end1)) outfile_end2.write('%s\n' %(end2)) i += 1 if i % 4 != 0 : sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Number of lines in the input file was not divisible by 4.\nCheck consistency of the input fastq file.\n") outfile_end1.close() outfile_end2.close()