--input=$input1 --output1=$out_file1 --output2=$out_file2 --var_cols=$var_cols --kernel=$kernelChoice.kernel --features=$features #if $kernelChoice.kernel == "rbfdot" or $kernelChoice.kernel == "anovadot": --sigma=$kernelChoice.sigma --degree="None" --scale="None" --offset="None" --order="None" #elif $kernelChoice.kernel == "polydot": --sigma="None" --degree=$ --scale=$kernelChoice.scale --offset=$kernelChoice.offset --order="None" #elif $kernelChoice.kernel == "tanhdot": --sigma="None" --degree="None" --scale=$kernelChoice.scale --offset=$kernelChoice.offset --order="None" #elif $kernelChoice.kernel == "besseldot": --sigma=$kernelChoice.sigma --degree=$ --scale="None" --offset="None" --order=$kernelChoice.order #elif $kernelChoice.kernel == "anovadot": --sigma=$kernelChoice.sigma --degree=$ --scale="None" --offset="None" --order="None" #else: --sigma="None" --degree="None" --scale="None" --offset="None" --order="None" #end if rpy .. class:: infomark **TIP:** If your data is not TAB delimited, use *Edit Queries->Convert characters* ----- .. class:: infomark **What it does** This tool uses functions from 'kernlab' library from R statistical package to perform Kernel Principal Component Analysis (kPCA) on the input data. It outputs two files, one containing the summary statistics of the performed kPCA, and the other containing a scatterplot matrix of rotated values reported by kPCA. *Alexandros Karatzoglou, Alex Smola, Kurt Hornik, Achim Zeileis (2004). kernlab - An S4 Package for Kernel Methods in R. Journal of Statistical Software 11(9), 1-20. URL* ----- .. class:: warningmark **Note** This tool currently treats all variables as continuous numeric variables. Running the tool on categorical variables might result in incorrect results. Rows containing non-numeric (or missing) data in any of the chosen columns will be skipped from the analysis.