for multiple series and graph types $script_file ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } ) ## Determine range of all series in the plot xrange = c( NULL, NULL ) yrange = c( NULL, NULL ) #for $i, $s in enumerate( $series ) s${i} = read.table( "${s.input.file_name}" ) x${i} = s${i}[,${s.xcol}] y${i} = s${i}[,${s.ycol}] xrange = range( x${i}, xrange ) yrange = range( y${i}, yrange ) #end for ## Open output PDF file pdf( "${out_file1}" ) ## Dummy plot for axis / labels plot( NULL, type="n", xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, main="${main}", xlab="${xlab}", ylab="${ylab}" ) ## Plot each series #for $i, $s in enumerate( $series ) #if $s.series_type['type'] == "line" lines( x${i}, y${i}, lty=${s.series_type.lty}, lwd=${s.series_type.lwd}, col=${s.series_type.col} ) #elif $s.series_type.type == "points" points( x${i}, y${i}, pch=${s.series_type.pch}, cex=${s.series_type.cex}, col=${s.series_type.col} ) #end if #end for ## Close the PDF file devname = .. class:: infomark This tool allows you to plot values contained in columns of a dataset against each other and also allows you to have different series corresponding to the same or different datasets in one plot. ----- .. class:: warningmark This tool throws an error if the columns selected for plotting are absent or are not numeric and also if the lengths of these columns differ. ----- **Example** Input file:: 1 68 4.1 2 71 4.6 3 62 3.8 4 75 4.4 5 58 3.2 6 60 3.1 7 67 3.8 8 68 4.1 9 71 4.3 10 69 3.7 Create a two series XY plot on the above data: - Series 1: Red Dashed-Line plot between columns 1 and 2 - Series 2: Blue Circular-Point plot between columns 3 and 2 .. image:: ../static/images/xy_example.jpg