for unrelated subjects '$i.extra_files_path/$i.metadata.base_name' "$name" '$out_file1' '$logf' '$logf.files_path' '$gffout' .. class:: infomark **Syntax** - **Genotype file** is the input case control data chosen from available library Plink binary files - **Map file** is the linkage format .map file corresponding to the genotypes in the Genotype file - **Type of test** is the kind of test statistic to report such as Armitage trend test or genotype test - **Format** determines how your data will be returned to your Galaxy workspace ----- **Summary** This tool will perform some standard statistical tests comparing subjects designated as affected (cases) and unaffected subjects (controls). To avoid bias, it is important that controls who had been affected would have been eligible for sampling as cases. This may seem odd, but it requires that the cases and controls are drawn from the same sampling frame. The armitage trend test is robust to departure from HWE and so very attractive - after all, a real disease mutation may well result in distorted HWE at least in cases. All the others are susceptible to bias in the presence of HWE departures. All of these tests are exquisitely sensitive to non-differential population stratification in cases compared to controls and this must be tested before believing any results here. Use the PCA method for 100k markers or more. If you don't see the genotype data set you want here, it can be imported using one of the methods available from the Galaxy Get Data tool page. Output format can be UCSC .bed if you want to see your results as a fully fledged UCSC track. A map file containing the chromosome and offset for each marker is required for writing this kind of output. Alternatively you can use .gg for the UCSC Genome Graphs tool which has all of the advantages of the the .bed track, plus a neat, visual front end that displays a lot of useful clues. Either of these are a very useful way of quickly getting a look at your data in full genomic context. Finally, if you can't live without spreadsheet data, choose the .xls tab delimited format. It's not a stupid binary excel file. Just a plain old tab delimited one with a header. Fortunately excel is dumb enough to open these without much protest. ----- **Attribution** When you click 'execute', this Galaxy tool will run Plink (from Shaun Purcell) for you (which is GPL, so this must be too I guess) for calculations. For full Plink attribution, source code and documentation, please see The Plink output files will be adjusted into UCSC compatible tracks - gg or wig, or else as tab delimited for you spreadsheet junkies out there. Python is used for all glue and data format yoga. Originally designed and written for the Rgenetics Galaxy tools by ross lazarus (ross spot lazarus ate gmail spot com), who didn't write either Galaxy or Plink but wishes he had. copyright Ross Lazarus 2007 Licensed under the terms of the LGPL as documented but is about as useful as a chocolate teapot without Plink which is GPL. I'm no lawyer, but it looks like you got GPL if you use this software. Good luck.