""" released under the terms of the LGPL copyright ross lazarus August 2007 for the rgenetics project Special galaxy tool for the camp2007 data Allows grabbing genotypes from an arbitrary region and estimating ld using haploview stoopid haploview won't allow control of dest directory for plots - always end up where the data came from - need to futz to get it where it belongs Needs a mongo results file in the location hardwired below or could be passed in as a library parameter - but this file must have a very specific structure rs chrom offset float1...floatn """ import sys, array, os, string, tempfile, shutil, subprocess, glob from rgutils import galhtmlprefix progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] javabin = 'java' #hvbin = '/usr/local/bin/Haploview.jar' #hvbin = '/home/universe/linux-i686/haploview/Haploview.jar' # get this from tool as a parameter - can use atrandic = {'A':'1','C':'2','G':'3','T':'4','N':'0','-':'0','1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4','0':'0'} class NullDevice: """ """ def write(self, s): pass def ld(): """ ### Sanity check the arguments rgHaploView.py "$ucsc_region" "$rslist" "$title" "$out_file1" "$lhistIn.extra_files_path" "$lhistIn.metadata.base_name" "$minmaf" "$maxdist" "$ldtype" "$hires" "$memsize" "$out_file1.files_path" "$infoTrack" "$tagr2" "$hmpanel" ${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/rg/bin/haploview.jar remember to figure out chromosome and complain if > 1? and use the -chromosome <1-22,X,Y> parameter to haploview skipcheck? """ progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1] ts = '%s%s' % (string.punctuation,string.whitespace) ptran = string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts)) if len(sys.argv) < 16: s = '##!%s: Expected 16 params in sys.argv, got %d (%s)' % (progname,len(sys.argv), sys.argv) print s sys.exit(1) ### Figure out what genomic region we are interested in region = sys.argv[1] orslist = sys.argv[2].replace('X',' ').lower() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure title = sys.argv[3].translate(ptran) # for outputs outfile = sys.argv[4] logfn = 'Log_%s.txt' % (title) histextra = sys.argv[5] base_name = sys.argv[6] pedFileBase = os.path.join(histextra,base_name) print 'pedfilebase=%s' % pedFileBase minMaf=sys.argv[7] if minMaf: try: minMaf = float(minMaf) except: minMaf = 0.0 maxDist=sys.argv[8] or None ldType=sys.argv[9] or 'RSQ' hiRes = (sys.argv[10].lower() == 'hi') memSize= sys.argv[11] or '1000' memSize = int(memSize) outfpath = sys.argv[12] infotrack = False # note that otherwise this breaks haploview in headless mode #infotrack = sys.argv[13] == 'info' # this fails in headless mode as at april 2010 with haploview 4.2 tagr2 = sys.argv[14] or '0.8' hmpanels = sys.argv[15] # eg "['CEU','YRI']" if hmpanels: hmpanels = hmpanels.replace('[','') hmpanels = hmpanels.replace(']','') hmpanels = hmpanels.replace("'",'') hmpanels = hmpanels.split(',') hvbin = sys.argv[16] # added rml june 2008 bindir = os.path.split(hvbin)[0] # jan 2010 - always assume utes are on path to avoid platform problems pdfjoin = 'pdfjoin' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfjoin') pdfnup = 'pdfnup' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfnup') mogrify = 'mogrify' # os.path.join(bindir,'mogrify') convert = 'convert' # os.path.join(bindir,'convert') log_file = os.path.join(outfpath,logfn) MAP_FILE = '%s.map' % pedFileBase DATA_FILE = '%s.ped' % pedFileBase try: os.makedirs(outfpath) s = '## made new path %s\n' % outfpath except: pass lf = file(log_file,'w') s = 'PATH=%s\n' % os.environ.get('PATH','?') lf.write(s) hlogf = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.log' % pedFileBase) chromosome = '' spos = epos = -9 rslist = [] rsdict = {} hlog = [] if region > '': useRs = [] useRsdict={} try: # TODO make a regexp? c,rest = region.split(':') chromosome = c.replace('chr','') rest = rest.replace(',','') # remove commas spos,epos = rest.split('-') spos = int(spos) epos = int(epos) s = '## %s parsing chrom %s from %d to %d\n' % (progname,chromosome,spos,epos) lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') print >> sys.stdout, s except: s = '##! %s unable to parse region %s - MUST look like "chr8:10,000-100,000\n' % (progname,region) print >> sys.stdout, s lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') lf.close() sys.exit(1) else: useRs = orslist.split() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure useRsdict = dict(zip(useRs,useRs)) useTemp = False try: dfile = open(DATA_FILE, 'r') except: # bad input file name? s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s\n' % (DATA_FILE) lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') lf.close() print >> sys.stdout, s raise sys.exit(1) try: mfile = open(MAP_FILE, 'r') except: # bad input file name? s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s' % (MAP_FILE) lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') lf.close() print >> sys.stdout, s raise sys.exit(1) if len(useRs) > 0 or spos <> -9 : # subset region useTemp = True ### Figure out which markers are in this region markers = [] snpcols = {} chroms = {} minpos = 2**32 maxpos = 0 for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile): line = row.strip() if not line: continue chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split() try: ic = int(chrom) except: ic = None if ic and ic <= 23: try: abspos = int(abspos) if abspos > maxpos: maxpos = abspos if abspos < minpos: minpos = abspos except: abspos = epos + 999999999 # so next test fails if useRsdict.get(snp,None) or (spos <> -9 and chrom == chromosome and (spos <= abspos <= epos)): if chromosome == '': chromosome = chrom chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom) markers.append((chrom,abspos,snp)) # decorate for sort into genomic snpcols[snp] = lnum # so we know which col to find genos for this marker markers.sort() rslist = [x[2] for x in markers] # drop decoration rsdict = dict(zip(rslist,rslist)) if len(rslist) == 0: s = '##! %s found no rs numbers in %s' % (progname,sys.argv[1:3]) lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') lf.close() print >> sys.stdout, s sys.exit(1) if spos == -9: spos = minpos epos = maxpos s = '## %s looking for %d rs (%s)' % (progname,len(rslist),rslist[:5]) lf.write(s) print >> sys.stdout, s wewant = [(6+(2*snpcols[x])) for x in rslist] # # column indices of first geno of each marker pair to get the markers into genomic ### ... and then parse the rest of the ped file to pull out ### the genotypes for all subjects for those markers # /usr/local/galaxy/data/rg/1/lped/ tempMapName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.info' % title) tempMap = file(tempMapName,'w') tempPedName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.ped' % title) tempPed = file(tempPedName,'w') pngpath = '%s.LD.PNG' % tempPedName map = ['%s\t%s' % (x[2],x[1]) for x in markers] # snp,abspos in genomic order for haploview tempMap.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(map)) tempMap.close() nrows = 0 for line in dfile: line = line.strip() if not line: continue fields = line.split() preamble = fields[:6] g = ['%s %s' % (fields[snpcol], fields[snpcol+1]) for snpcol in wewant] g = ' '.join(g) g = g.split() # we'll get there g = [atrandic.get(x,'0') for x in g] # numeric alleles... tempPed.write('%s %s\n' % (' '.join(preamble), ' '.join(g))) nrows += 1 tempPed.close() s = '## %s: wrote %d markers, %d subjects for region %s\n' % (progname,len(rslist),nrows,region) lf.write(s) lf.write('\n') print >> sys.stdout,s else: # even if using all, must set up haploview info file instead of map markers = [] chroms = {} spos = sys.maxint epos = -spos for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile): line = row.strip() if not line: continue chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split() try: ic = int(chrom) except: ic = None if ic and ic <= 23: if chromosome == '': chromosome = chrom chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom) try: p = int(abspos) if p < spos and p <> 0: spos = p if p > epos and p <> 0: epos = p except: pass markers.append('%s %s' % (snp,abspos)) # no sort - pass # now have spos and epos for hapmap if hmpanels tempMapName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.info' % title) tempMap = file(tempMapName,'w') tempMap.write('\n'.join(markers)) tempMap.close() tempPedName = os.path.join(outfpath,'%s.ped' % title) try: # will fail on winblows! os.symlink(DATA_FILE,tempPedName) except: shutil.copy(DATA_FILE,tempPedName) # wasteful but.. nchroms = len(chroms) # if > 1 can't really do this safely if nchroms > 1: s = '## warning - multiple chromosomes found in your map file - %s\n' % ','.join(chroms.keys()) lf.write(s) print >> sys.stdout,s sys.exit(1) DATA_FILE = tempPedName # for haploview INFO_FILE = tempMapName dfile.close() mfile.close() fblog,blog = tempfile.mkstemp() ste = open(blog,'w') # to catch the blather # if no need to rewrite - set up names for haploview call vcl = [javabin,'-jar',hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % memSize,'-pairwiseTagging', '-pedfile',DATA_FILE,'-info',INFO_FILE,'-tagrsqcounts', '-tagrsqcutoff',tagr2, '-ldcolorscheme',ldType] if minMaf: vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % minMaf] if maxDist: vcl += ['-maxDistance',maxDist] if hiRes: vcl.append('-png') else: vcl.append('-compressedpng') if nchroms == 1: vcl += ['-chromosome',chromosome] if infotrack: vcl.append('-infoTrack') p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=ste,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) vcl = [mogrify, '-resize 800x400!', '*.PNG'] p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) inpng = '%s.LD.PNG' % DATA_FILE # stupid but necessary - can't control haploview name mangle inpng = inpng.replace(' ','') inpng = os.path.split(inpng)[-1] tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % title tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','') outpng = '1_%s.png' % title outpng = outpng.replace(' ','') outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1] vcl = [convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng] p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) s = "text 10,300 '%s'" % title[:40] vcl = ['convert', '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon', '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng] p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) try: os.remove(os.path.join(outfpath,tmppng)) except: pass # label all the plots then delete all the .PNG files before munging fnum=1 if hmpanels: sp = '%d' % (spos/1000.) # hapmap wants kb ep = '%d' % (epos/1000.) for panel in hmpanels: if panel > '' and panel.lower() <> 'none': # in case someone checks that option too :) ptran = panel.strip() ptran = ptran.replace('+','_') fnum += 1 # preserve an order or else we get sorted vcl = [javabin,'-jar',hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % memSize, '-chromosome',chromosome, '-panel',panel.strip(), '-hapmapDownload','-startpos',sp,'-endpos',ep, '-ldcolorscheme',ldType] if minMaf: vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % minMaf] if maxDist: vcl += ['-maxDistance',maxDist] if hiRes: vcl.append('-png') else: vcl.append('-compressedpng') if infotrack: vcl.append('-infoTrack') p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=ste,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() inpng = 'Chromosome%s%s.LD.PNG' % (chromosome,panel) inpng = inpng.replace(' ','') # mysterious spaces! outpng = '%d_HapMap_%s_%s.png' % (fnum,ptran,chromosome,) # hack for stupid chb+jpt outpng = outpng.replace(' ','') tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % title tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','') outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1] vcl = [convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng] p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) s = "text 10,300 'HapMap %s'" % ptran.strip() vcl = [convert, '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon', '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng] p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() s = '## executing %s returned %d\n' % (' '.join(vcl),retval) lf.write(s) try: os.remove(os.path.join(outfpath,tmppng)) except: pass nimages = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(outfpath,'*.png'))) # rely on HaploView shouting - PNG @! lf.write('### nimages=%d\n' % nimages) if nimages > 0: # haploview may fail? vcl = '%s -format pdf -resize 800x400! *.png' % mogrify p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval)) vcl = '%s "*.pdf" --fitpaper true --outfile alljoin.pdf' % pdfjoin p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval)) vcl = '%s alljoin.pdf --nup 1x%d --outfile allnup.pdf' % (pdfnup,nimages) p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=outfpath,stderr=lf,stdout=lf) retval = p.wait() lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval)) #vcl = ['convert', 'allnup.pdf', 'allnup.png'] # this fails - bad pdf? #p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath) #retval = p.wait() #lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval)) lf.write('\n'.join(hlog)) ste.close() # temp file used to catch haploview blather hblather = open(blog,'r').readlines() # to catch the blather os.unlink(blog) if len(hblather) > 0: lf.write('## In addition, Haploview complained:') lf.write(''.join(hblather)) lf.write('\n') lf.close() flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(outfpath, '*')) flist.sort() ts = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' + string.whitespace ftran = string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts)) outf = file(outfile,'w') outf.write(galhtmlprefix % progname) s = '

rgenetics for Galaxy %s, wrapping HaploView

' % (progname) outf.write(s) """ as at ashg 2009, convert fails on allnup.pdf - probably too complex... mainthumb = 'allnup.png' mainpdf = 'allnup.pdf' if os.path.exists(mainpdf): if not os.path.exists(mainthumb): outf.write('
Main combined LD plot
\n' % (mainpdf)) else: outf.write('
Main combined LD image') outf.write('Click this thumbnail to display the main combined LD image
\n' % (mainpdf,mainthumb)) else: outf.write('(No main image was generated - this usually means a Haploview error connecting to Hapmap site - please try later)
\n') outf.write('## Called as %s' % sys.argv) """ outf.write('

Job Log follows below (see %s)
" % logfn)
    s = file(log_file,'r').readlines()
    s = '\n'.join(s)

' % s) outf.write('') outf.close() if useTemp: try: os.unlink(tempMapName) os.unlink(tempPedName) except: pass if __name__ == "__main__": ld()