from galaxy import datatypes,model import sys,string,time def timenow(): """return current time as a string """ return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) def get_phecols(i,addNone,hint): """ return a list of phenotype columns for a multi-select list """ hint = hint.lower() fname = i.dataset.file_name try: f = open(fname,'r') except: return [('get_phecols unable to open file "%s"' % fname,'None',False),] header = h = header.strip().split() dat = [(x,'%d' % i,False) for i,x in enumerate(h)] matches = [i for i,x in enumerate(h) if x.lower().find(hint) <> -1] if len(matches) > 0: sel = matches[0] dat[sel] = (dat[sel][0],dat[sel][1],True) if addNone: dat.insert(0,('None - no Manhattan plot','0', False )) return dat def exec_after_process(app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool, stdout, stderr): """Sets the name of the data """ outfile = 'out_html' job_name = param_dict.get( 'name', 'Manhattan QQ plots' ) killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace trantab = string.maketrans(killme,'_'*len(killme)) newname = '%s.html' % job_name.translate(trantab) data = out_data[outfile] = newname'%s run at %s' % (job_name,timenow()) out_data[outfile] = data app.model.context.flush()