from BAM dataset samtools --input1=$input1 --output=$output1 --ref=$refOrHistory.reference #if $refOrHistory.reference == "history": --ownFile=$refOrHistory.ownFile #else: --ownFile="None" #end if --dbkey=${input1.metadata.dbkey} --indexDir=${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR} --bamIndex=${input1.metadata.bam_index} --lastCol=$lastCol --indels=$indels --mapCap=$mapCap --consensus=$c.consensus #if $c.consensus == "yes": --theta=$c.theta --hapNum=$c.hapNum --fraction=$c.fraction --phredProb=$c.phredProb #else: --theta="None" --hapNum="None" --fraction="None" --phredProb="None" #end if **What it does** Uses SAMTools_' pileup command to produce a pileup dataset from a provided BAM dataset. It generates two types of pileup datasets depending on the specified options. If *Call consensus according to MAQ model?* option is set to **No**, the tool produces simple pileup. If the option is set to **Yes**, a ten column pileup dataset with consensus is generated. Both types of datasets are briefly summarized below. .. _SAMTools: ------ **Types of pileup datasets** The description of pileup format below is largely based on information that can be found on SAMTools Pileup_ documentation page. The 6- and 10-column variants are described below. .. _Pileup: **Six column pileup**:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 --------------------------------- chrM 412 A 2 ., II chrM 413 G 4 ..t, IIIH chrM 414 C 4 ...a III2 chrM 415 C 4 TTTt III7 where:: Column Definition ------- ---------------------------- 1 Chromosome 2 Position (1-based) 3 Reference base at that position 4 Coverage (# reads aligning over that position) 5 Bases within reads where (see Galaxy wiki for more info) 6 Quality values (phred33 scale, see Galaxy wiki for more) **Ten column pileup** The `ten-column` (consensus_) pileup incorporates additional consensus information generated with *-c* option of *samtools pileup* command:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------------------------------------------------ chrM 412 A A 75 0 25 2 ., II chrM 413 G G 72 0 25 4 ..t, IIIH chrM 414 C C 75 0 25 4 ...a III2 chrM 415 C T 75 75 25 4 TTTt III7 where:: Column Definition ------- -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Chromosome 2 Position (1-based) 3 Reference base at that position 4 Consensus bases 5 Consensus quality 6 SNP quality 7 Maximum mapping quality 8 Coverage (# reads aligning over that position) 9 Bases within reads where (see Galaxy wiki for more info) 10 Quality values (phred33 scale, see Galaxy wiki for more) .. _consensus: