columns from files '$complement' '$cutwhat' '$list' '$input' '$output' **What it does** This tool runs the **cut** unix command, which extract or delete columns from a file. ----- Field List Example: **1,3,7** - Cut specific fields/characters. **3-** - Cut from the third field/character to the end of the line. **2-5** - Cut from the second to the fifth field/character. **-8** - Cut from the first to the eight field/characters. Input Example:: fruit color price weight apple red 1.4 0.5 orange orange 1.5 0.3 banana yellow 0.9 0.3 Output Example ( **Keeping fields 1,3,4** ):: fruit price weight apple 1.4 0.5 orange 1.5 0.3 banana 0.9 0.3 Output Example ( **Discarding field 2** ):: fruit price weight apple 1.4 0.5 orange 1.5 0.3 banana 0.9 0.3 Output Example ( **Keeping 3 characters** ):: fru app ora ban