This file explains how to create annotation indexes for the annotation profiler tool. Annotation profiler indexes are an exceedingly simple binary format, containing no header information and consisting of an ordered linear list of (start,stop encoded individually as ' hg19.txt where the genome build is hg19 and /ucsc_data/hg19/database/ contains the downloaded database dump from UCSC (e.g. obtained by rsync: rsync -avzP rsync:// /ucsc_data/hg19/database/). By default, chromosome names come from a file named 'chromInfo.txt.gz' found in the input directory, with FTP used as a backup. When FTP is used to obtain the names of chromosomes from UCSC for a particular genome build, alternate ftp sites and paths can be specified by using the --ftp_site and --ftp_path attributes. Chromosome names can instead be provided on the commandline via the --chromosomes option, which accepts a comma separated list of:ChromName1[=length],ChromName2[=length],... usage = "usage: %prog options" parser = OptionParser( usage=usage ) parser.add_option( '-d', '--dbkey', dest='dbkey', default='hg18', help='dbkey to process' ) parser.add_option( '-i', '--input_dir', dest='input_dir', default=os.path.join( 'golden_path','%s', 'database' ), help='Input Directory' ) parser.add_option( '-o', '--output_dir', dest='output_dir', default=os.path.join( 'profiled_annotations','%s' ), help='Output Directory' ) parser.add_option( '-c', '--chromosomes', dest='chromosomes', default='', help='Comma separated list of: ChromName1[=length],ChromName2[=length],...' ) parser.add_option( '-b', '--bitset_size', dest='bitset_size', default=DEFAULT_BITSET_SIZE, type='int', help='Default BitSet size; overridden by sizes specified in chromInfo.txt.gz or by --chromosomes' ) parser.add_option( '-f', '--ftp_site', dest='ftp_site', default='', help='FTP site; used for chromosome info when chromInfo.txt.gz method fails' ) parser.add_option( '-p', '--ftp_path', dest='ftp_path', default='/goldenPath/%s/chromosomes/', help='FTP Path; used for chromosome info when chromInfo.txt.gz method fails' )