<% _=n_ %> <%inherit file="/base.mako"/> <%def name="title()">Share histories
Share ${len( histories)} histories
%if not can_change and not cannot_change and not no_change_needed: ## We are sharing histories that contain only public datasets
Histories to be shared:
%for history in histories: %endfor
${_('History Name')} ${_('Number of Datasets')}
${history.name} %if len( history.datasets ) < 1:
${_('This history contains no data.')}
%else: ${len(history.datasets)} %endif
Enter a Galaxy user email address or a comma-separated list of addresses if sharing with multiple users
%if send_to_err:
%else: ## We are sharing restricted histories %if no_change_needed or can_change:
%if send_to_err:
%endif ## Needed for rebuilding dicts %for history in histories: %endfor %if no_change_needed: ## no_change_needed looks like: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda] }
The following datasets can be shared with ${email} with no changes
%for history, hdas in no_change_needed.items():
%for hda in hdas:
${hda.name} %if hda.deleted: (deleted) %endif
%endfor %endfor %endif %if can_change: ## can_change looks like: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda] }
The following datasets can be shared with ${email} by updating their permissions
%for history, hdas in can_change.items():
%for hda in hdas:
${hda.name} %if hda.deleted: (deleted) %endif
%endfor %endfor %endif %if cannot_change: ## cannot_change looks like: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda] }
The following datasets cannot be shared with ${email} because you are not authorized to change the permissions on them
%for history, hdas in cannot_change.items():
%for hda in hdas:
${hda.name} %if hda.deleted: (deleted) %endif
%endfor %endfor %endif
%if can_change:
Make datasets public so anyone can access them %if cannot_change: (where possible) %endif
%if no_change_needed: Make datasets private to me and the user(s) with whom I am sharing %else: Make datasets private to me and the user(s) with whom I am sharing %endif %if cannot_change: (where possible) %endif
%endif %if no_change_needed:
Share anyway %if can_change: (don't change any permissions) %endif

%endif %endif