<%inherit file="/webapps/galaxy/base_panels.mako"/> <%namespace file="/display_common.mako" import="get_history_link, get_controller_name" /> <%namespace file="/root/history_common.mako" import="render_dataset" /> <%namespace file="/tagging_common.mako" import="render_individual_tagging_element, render_community_tagging_element" /> <%def name="javascripts()"> ${parent.javascripts()} ${h.js( "galaxy.base", "jquery", "json2", "class", "jquery.jstore" )} <%def name="stylesheets()"> ${parent.stylesheets()} ${h.css( "history", "autocomplete_tagging" )} <%def name="init()"> <% self.has_left_panel=False self.has_right_panel=False self.message_box_visible=False %> <%def name="center_panel()"> ## Get URL to other histories owned by user that owns this history. <% ##TODO: is there a better way to create this URL? Can't use 'f-username' as a key b/c it's not a valid identifier. href_to_published_histories = h.url_for( controller='/history', action='list_published') if history.user is not None: href_to_user_histories = h.url_for( controller='/history', action='list_published', xxx=history.user.username).replace( 'xxx', 'f-username') else: href_to_user_histories = h.url_for( controller='/history', action='list_published' )##should this instead be be None or empty string? %>
## Render view of history. %if history.deleted:
${_('You are currently viewing a deleted history!')}

%endif %if not datasets:
%else: ## Render requested datasets, ordered from newest to oldest %for data in datasets: %if data.visible:
${render_dataset( data, data.hid, show_deleted_on_refresh = show_deleted, for_editing=False )}
%endif %endfor