<%inherit file="/base.mako"/> <%namespace file="/message.mako" import="render_msg" /> <% from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago %> <%! def inherit(context): if context.get('use_panels'): return '/webapps/community/base_panels.mako' else: return '/base.mako' %> <%inherit file="${inherit(context)}"/> <%def name="javascripts()"> ${parent.javascripts()} <%def name="render_select( name, options )"> <%def name="title()">Edit Tool

Edit Tool


%if message: ${render_msg( message, status )} %endif %if can_edit:
%if tool.is_rejected:
Reason for rejection


%if tool.user_description:
Required when submitting for approval
${time_ago( tool.create_time )}

Manage categories
${render_select( "in_categories", in_categories )}
${render_select( "out_categories", out_categories )}

%if tool.is_new or tool.is_rejected:

Get approval for publishing
Tools must be approved before they are made available to others in the community. After you have submitted your tool to be published, you will no longer be able to modify it, so make sure the information above is correct before submitting for approval.
%else: ${render_msg( "You are not allowed to edit this tool", "error" )} %endif