.. Definitions of interpreted text roles (classes) for S5/HTML data. .. This data file has been placed in the public domain. .. Colours ======= .. role:: black .. role:: gray .. role:: silver .. role:: white .. role:: maroon .. role:: red .. role:: magenta .. role:: fuchsia .. role:: pink .. role:: orange .. role:: yellow .. role:: lime .. role:: green .. role:: olive .. role:: teal .. role:: cyan .. role:: aqua .. role:: blue .. role:: navy .. role:: purple .. Text Sizes ========== .. role:: huge .. role:: big .. role:: small .. role:: tiny .. Display in Slides (Presentation Mode) Only ========================================== .. role:: slide :class: slide-display .. Display in Outline Mode Only ============================ .. role:: outline .. Display in Print Only ===================== .. role:: print .. Incremental Display =================== .. role:: incremental .. default-role:: incremental