1 all synonym 1 root scientific name 2 Bacteria scientific name 2 Monera in-part 2 Procaryotae in-part 2 Prokaryota in-part 2 Prokaryotae in-part 2 bacteria blast name 2 eubacteria genbank common name 2 not Bacteria Haeckel 1894 synonym 2 prokaryotes in-part 6 Azorhizobium scientific name 6 Azorhizobium Dreyfus et al. 1988 synonym 6 Azotirhizobium equivalent name 7 Azorhizobium caulinodans scientific name 7 Azorhizobium caulinodans Dreyfus et al. 1988 synonym 7 Azotirhizobium caulinodans equivalent name 9 Acyrthosiphon pisum symbiont P includes 9 Buchnera aphidicola scientific name 9 Buchnera aphidicola Munson et al. 1991 synonym 10 Cellvibrio Winogradsky 1929 synonym 10 Cellvibrio scientific name 10 Cellvibrio (ex Winogradsky 1929) Blackall et al. 1986 emend. Humphry et al. 2003 synonym 11 'Cellvibrio gilvus' synonym 11 Cellvibrio gilvus scientific name 13 Dictyoglomus scientific name 13 Dictyoglomus Saiki et al. 1985 synonym 14 Dictyoglomus thermophilum scientific name 14 Dictyoglomus thermophilum Saiki et al. 1985 synonym 16 Methyliphilus equivalent name 16 Methylophilus scientific name 16 Methylophilus Jenkins et al. 1987 synonym 16 Methylotrophus misspelling 17 Methyliphilus methylitrophus equivalent name 17 Methyliphilus methylotrophus equivalent name 17 Methylophilus methylitrophus equivalent name 17 Methylophilus methylotrophus scientific name 17 Methylophilus methylotrophus Jenkins et al. 1987 synonym 17 Methylotrophus methylophilus synonym 18 Pelobacter scientific name 18 Pelobacter Schink and Pfennig 1983 synonym 19 Pelobacter carbinolicus scientific name 19 Pelobacter carbinolicus Schink 1984 synonym 20 Phenylobacterium scientific name 20 Phenylobacterium Lingens et al. 1985 emend. Kanso and Patel 2004 synonym 20 Phenylobacterium Lingens et al. 1985 emend. Tiago et al. 2005 synonym 21 Phenylobacterium immobile scientific name 21 Phenylobacterium immobile Lingens et al. 1985 synonym 22 Shewanella scientific name 22 Shewanella MacDonell and Colwell 1986 synonym 23 Alteromonas colwelliana synonym 23 Shewanella colwelliana scientific name 23 Shewanella colwelliana (Weiner et al. 1988) Coyne et al. 1990 synonym 24 Pseudomonas putrefaciens (Derby and Hammer) Long and Hammer 1941 synonym 24 Alteromonas putrefaciens synonym 24 Alteromonas putrefaciens (ex Derby and Hammer) Lee et al. 1981 synonym 24 Alteromonas putrifaciens misspelling 24 Pseudomonas putrefaciens synonym 24 Shewanella putrefaciens scientific name 24 Shewanella putrefaciens (Lee et al. 1981) MacDonell and Colwell 1986 synonym 24 Shewanella putrifaciens misspelling 25 Alteromonas hanedai synonym 25 Alteromonas hanedai Jensen et al. 1981 synonym 25 Shewanella hanedai scientific name 25 Shewanella hanedai (Jensen et al. 1981) MacDonell and Colwell 1986 synonym 27 halophilic eubacterium (NRCC 41227) synonym 27 halophilic eubacterium NRCC 41227 scientific name 27 halophilic eubacterium NRCC41227 synonym 29 Myxobacteria synonym 29 Myxococcales scientific name 29 Myxococcales Tchan et al. 1948 synonym 29 The Myxobacteria synonym 29 fruiting gliding bacteria genbank common name 31 Myxococcaceae scientific name 31 Myxococcaceae Jahn 1924 synonym 32 Myxococcus scientific name 32 Myxococcus Thaxter 1892 synonym 33 Micrococcus fulvus Cohn 1875 synonym 33 Micrococcus fulvus synonym 33 Myxococcus fulvus scientific name 33 Myxococcus fulvus (Cohn 1875) Jahn 1911 synonym 34 Myxococcus xanthus scientific name 34 Myxococcus xanthus Beebe 1941 synonym 34 Myxococcus xanthus retron Mx162 includes 34 Myxococcus xanthus retron Mx65 includes 35 Chondrococcus macrosporus Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1926 synonym 35 'Corallococcus macrosporus' synonym 35 Chondrococcus macrosporus synonym 35 Corallococcus macrosporus synonym 35 Myxococcus macrosporus scientific name 35 Myxococcus macrosporus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1926) Zahler and McCurdy 1974 synonym 35 not Myxococcus macrosporus Zukal 1897 synonym 36 Chondrococcus coralloides (Thaxter 1892) Jahn 1924 synonym 36 Chondrococcus polycystus (Kofler 1913) Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1926 synonym 36 Myxococcus clavatus Quehl 1906 synonym 36 Myxococcus digitatus Quehl 1906 synonym 36 Myxococcus exiguus Kofler 1913 synonym 36 Myxococcus polycystus Kofler 1913 synonym 36 Chondrococcus coralloides synonym 36 Chondrococcus polycystus synonym