<%inherit file="/base.mako"/> <%namespace file="/message.mako" import="render_msg" /> <%def name="title()">Memory Profiling <% import re from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape %>

Memory Profiling

<%def name="htmlize( heap )"> <% s = escape( str( heap ) ) new_s = "" id_re = re.compile('^(\s+)([0-9]+)') for line in s.split( '\n' ): try: id = id_re.search( line ).group( 2 ) except: id = None new_s += re.sub( id_re, r'\1\2', line ) if id and heap[int(id)].count == 1: new_s += " theone\n" % h.url_for( ids=ids, sorts=sorts, new_id=id, theone=True ) else: new_s += "\n" return new_s %> %if message: ${render_msg( message, status )} %endif %if heap is None: No memory dump available. Click "Dump memory" to create one. %else:
You are here: ${breadcrumb}
%if breadcrumb.endswith( 'theone' ): ${heap} %else: Sort: Class | Clodo | Id | Idset | Module | Unity | Rcs | Size | Type | Via ${htmlize( heap )} %endif