## This needs to be on the first line, otherwise IE6 goes into quirks mode <% self.has_left_panel=True self.has_right_panel=True self.message_box_visible=False self.overlay_visible=False self.message_box_class="" self.active_view=None self.body_class="" %> <%def name="init()"> ## Override ## Default stylesheets <%def name="stylesheets()"> ${h.css('base','panel_layout','jquery.rating')} ## Default javascripts <%def name="javascripts()"> ${h.js( 'jquery' )} ## Default late-load javascripts <%def name="late_javascripts()"> ## Scripts can be loaded later since they progressively add features to ## the panels, but do not change layout ${h.js( 'jquery.event.drag', 'jquery.event.hover', 'jquery.form', 'jquery.rating', 'galaxy.base', 'galaxy.panels' )} ## Handle AJAX (actually hidden iframe) upload tool ## Masthead <%def name="masthead()"> ## Override <%def name="overlay( title='', content='' )"> <%def name="title()"> <%def name="content()"> ## Messagebox <%def name="message_box_content()"> ## Document ${self.init()} ${self.title()} ${self.stylesheets()} ${self.javascripts()}
## Background displays first
## Layer iframes over backgrounds
%if self.message_box_visible: ${self.message_box_content()} %endif
${self.overlay()} %if self.has_left_panel:
%if self.has_right_panel:
## Allow other body level elements ## Scripts can be loaded later since they progressively add features to ## the panels, but do not change layout ${self.late_javascripts()}