<%inherit file="/base.mako"/> <%namespace file="/message.mako" import="render_msg" /> <%def name="title()">${_('Edit Dataset Attributes')} <%def name="stylesheets()"> ${h.css( "base", "autocomplete_tagging" )} <%def name="javascripts()"> ${parent.javascripts()} ${h.js( "galaxy.base", "jquery.autocomplete", "autocomplete_tagging" )} <%def name="datatype( dataset, datatypes )"> %if message: ${render_msg( message, status )} %endif
${_('Edit Attributes')}
%if trans.get_user() is not None:
Add an annotation or notes to a dataset; annotations are available when a history is viewed.
%endif %for name, spec in data.metadata.spec.items(): %if spec.visible:
${data.metadata.get_html_by_name( name, trans=trans )}
%endif %endfor
This will inspect the dataset and attempt to correct the above column values if they are not accurate.
%if data.missing_meta():
${_('Required metadata values are missing. Some of these values may not be editable by the user. Selecting "Auto-detect" will attempt to fix these values.')}

<% converters = data.get_converter_types() %> %if len( converters ) > 0:

${_('Convert to new format')}
This will create a new dataset with the contents of this dataset converted to a new format.


${_('Change data type')}
%if data.datatype.allow_datatype_change:
${datatype( data, datatypes )}
${_('This will change the datatype of the existing dataset but not modify its contents. Use this if Galaxy has incorrectly guessed the type of your dataset.')}
${_('Changing the datatype of this dataset is not allowed.')}

%if trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_dataset( current_user_roles, data.dataset ): <%namespace file="/dataset/security_common.mako" import="render_permission_form" /> ${render_permission_form( data.dataset, data.get_display_name(), h.url_for( controller='root', action='edit', id=data.id ), all_roles )} %elif trans.user:

View Permissions
%if data.dataset.actions:
    %for action, roles in trans.app.security_agent.get_permissions( data.dataset ).items(): %if roles:
  • ${action.description}
    • %for role in roles:
    • ${role.name}
    • %endfor
    %endif %endfor

This dataset is accessible by everyone (it is public).


Copy History Item
Make a copy of this history item in your current history or any of your active histories.