Dataset generation errors

Dataset ${hda.hid}: ${hda.display_name()}

%if hda.creating_job_associations: <% job = hda.creating_job_associations[0].job %> %if job.traceback: The Galaxy framework encountered the following error while attempting to run the tool:
%endif %if job.stderr or Tool execution generated the following error message: %if job.stderr:
%endif %else: Tool execution did not generate any error messages. %endif %if job.stdout: The tool produced the following additional output:
%endif %else: The tool did not create any additional job / error info. %endif <% if trans.user: user_email = else: user_email = '' %>

Report this error to the Galaxy Team

The Galaxy team regularly reviews errors that occur in the application. However, if you would like to provide additional information (such as what you were trying to do when the error occurred) and a contact e-mail address, we will be better able to investigate your problem and get back to you.

Error Report