## Header row for history items (name, state, action buttons)
%if data_state == "upload":
## TODO: Make these CSS, just adding a "disabled" class to the normal
## links should be enough. However the number of datasets being uploaded
## at a time is usually small so the impact of these images is also small.
%if for_editing:
dataset_id = trans.security.encode_id( data.id )
if for_editing:
display_url = h.url_for( controller='dataset', action='display', dataset_id=dataset_id, preview=True, filename='' )
# Get URL for display only.
if data.history.user and data.history.user.username:
display_url = h.url_for( controller='dataset', action='display_by_username_and_slug',
username=data.history.user.username, slug=dataset_id )
# HACK: revert to for_editing display URL when there is no user/username. This should only happen when
# there's no user/username because dataset is being displayed by history/view after error reported.
# There are no security concerns here because both dataset/display and dataset/display_by_username_and_slug
# check user permissions (to the same degree) before displaying.
display_url = h.url_for( controller='dataset', action='display', dataset_id=dataset_id, preview=True, filename='' )
%if for_editing:
%if for_editing:
${hid}: ${data.display_name()}
## Body for history items, extra info and actions, data "peek"
%if not trans.user_is_admin() and not trans.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset( current_user_roles, data.dataset ):
You do not have permission to view this dataset.
%elif data_state == "upload":
Dataset is uploading
%elif data_state == "queued":
${_('Job is waiting to run')}
%elif data_state == "running":
${_('Job is currently running')}
%elif data_state == "error":
An error occurred running this job: ${data.display_info().strip()}
%elif data_state == "discarded":
The job creating this dataset was cancelled before completion.
%elif data_state == 'setting_metadata':
${_('Metadata is being Auto-Detected.')}
%elif data_state == "empty":
${_('No data: ')}${data.display_info()}
%elif data_state in [ "ok", "failed_metadata" ]:
%if data_state == "failed_metadata":
%if data.dbkey == '?':
${_('Info: ')}${data.display_info()}
<% dataset_id=trans.security.encode_id( data.id ) %>
%if data.has_data():
%if for_editing:
%if app.config.get_bool( 'enable_tracks', False ) and data.ext in app.datatypes_registry.get_available_tracks():
%if trans.user:
## When displaying datasets for viewing, this is often needed to prevent peek from overlapping
## icons.
%for display_app in data.datatype.get_display_types():
<% target_frame, display_links = data.datatype.get_display_links( data, display_app, app, request.base ) %>
%if len( display_links ) > 0:
| ${data.datatype.get_display_label(display_app)}
%for display_name, display_link in display_links:
%for display_app in data.get_display_applications( trans ).itervalues():
| ${display_app.name}
%for link_app in display_app.links.itervalues():
%elif for_editing:
%if data.peek != "no peek":
${_('Error: unknown dataset state "%s".') % data_state}
## Recurse for child datasets
%if len( data.children ) > 0:
## FIXME: This should not be in the template, there should
## be a 'visible_children' method on dataset.
children = []
for child in data.children:
if child.visible:
children.append( child )
%if len( children ) > 0:
There are ${len( children )} secondary datasets.
%for idx, child in enumerate(children):
${render_dataset( child, idx + 1, show_deleted_on_refresh = show_deleted_on_refresh )}