<%inherit file="/base.mako"/> <%def name="title()">Custom Database Builds % if message:
% elif lines_skipped > 0:
Skipped ${lines_skipped} lines that could not be parsed
% endif

Custom Database/Builds

You may specify your own database/builds here.

% if dbkeys: % for key, dct in dbkeys.iteritems(): % endfor
Name Key Number of Chroms
${dct['name'] | h} ${key | h} ## ${len(dct["chroms"])} entries ##
##                        % for chrom, chrom_len in dct["chroms"].iteritems():
##                        % endfor
${chrom | h}${chrom_len | h}
% if 'count' in dct: ${dct['count']} % endif
% else:

You currently have no custom builds.

% endif
Add a Build