<%inherit file="/base_panels.mako"/> ## Default title <%def name="title()">Galaxy Tool Shed ## Masthead <%def name="masthead()"> ## Tab area, fills entire width
<%def name="tab( id, display, href, target='_parent', visible=True, extra_class='' )"> <% cls = "tab" if extra_class: cls += " " + extra_class if self.active_view == id: cls += " active" style = "" if not visible: style = "display: none;" %> ${tab( "tools", "Tools", h.url_for( controller='/tool', action='index', webapp='community' ) )} ${tab( "admin", "Admin", h.url_for( controller='/admin', action='index', webapp='community' ), extra_class="admin-only", visible=( trans.user and app.config.is_admin_user( trans.user ) ) )} ## User tab. <% cls = "tab" if self.active_view == 'user': cls += " active" %>
${display} Help User <% if trans.user: user_email = trans.user.email style1 = "display: none;" style2 = ""; else: user_email = "" style1 = "" style2 = "display: none;" %>
## Logo, layered over tabs to be clickable
Galaxy Tool Shed %if app.config.brand: / ${app.config.brand} %endif