<%namespace file="/message.mako" import="render_msg" /> <%namespace file="/webapps/community/common/common.mako" import="*" /> <% from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago from urllib import quote_plus if cntrller in [ 'tool' ] and can_edit: menu_label = 'Edit information or submit for approval' else: menu_label = 'Edit information' %> <%! def inherit(context): if context.get('use_panels'): return '/webapps/community/base_panels.mako' else: return '/base.mako' %> <%inherit file="${inherit(context)}"/> <%def name="stylesheets()"> ${parent.stylesheets()} ${h.css( "jquery.rating" )} <%def name="javascripts()"> ${parent.javascripts()} ${h.js( "jquery.rating" )} <%def name="title()">Rate Tool

Rate Tool


%if message: ${render_msg( message, status )} %endif %if can_rate:
%if tool.user_description:
${time_ago( tool.create_time )}

Rate and Review
${render_star_rating( 'avg_rating', avg_rating, disabled=True )}
${render_star_rating( 'rating', tra.rating )}
%if tra and tra.comment:

%if tool.ratings and ( len( tool.ratings ) > 1 or tool.ratings[0] != tra ):

%if display_reviews: <% count = 0 %> %for review in tool.ratings: <% count += 1 name = 'rating%d' % count %> %endfor
Rating Comments Reviewed User
${render_star_rating( name, review.rating, disabled=True )} ${review.comment} ${time_ago( review.update_time )} ${review.user.username}
%else: %endif
%endif %endif