<%inherit file="/webapps/galaxy/base_panels.mako"/> <%def name="init()"> <% self.active_view="workflow" self.overlay_visible=True %> <%def name="late_javascripts()"> <%def name="javascripts()"> ${parent.javascripts()} ${h.js( "jquery", "jquery.tipsy", "jquery.event.drag", "jquery.event.drop", "jquery.event.hover", "jquery.form", "class", "json2", "jquery.jstore", "galaxy.base", "galaxy.workflow_editor.canvas", "jquery.autocomplete", "autocomplete_tagging")} <%def name="stylesheets()"> ## Include "base.css" for styling tool menu and forms (details) ${h.css( "base", "autocomplete_tagging", "tool_menu" )} ## But make sure styles for the layout take precedence ${parent.stylesheets()} ## Render a tool in the tool panel <%def name="render_tool( tool, section )"> %if not tool.hidden: %if tool.is_workflow_compatible: %if section:
%endif %if "[[" in tool.description and "]]" in tool.description: ${tool.description.replace( '[[', '' % tool.id ).replace( "]]", "" )} %elif tool.name: ${tool.name} ${tool.description} %else: ${tool.description} %endif
%else: %if section:
%endif %if "[[" in tool.description and "]]" in tool.description: ${tool.description.replace( '[[', '' % tool.id ).replace( "]]", "" )} %elif tool.name: ${tool.name} ${tool.description} %else: ${tool.description} %endif
%endif %endif ## Render a label in the tool panel <%def name="render_label( label )">
<%def name="overlay()"> ${parent.overlay( "Loading workflow editor...", "" )} <%def name="left_panel()">
## Tool search. <% show_tool_search = False if trans.user: show_tool_search = trans.user.preferences.get( "workflow.show_tool_search", "True" ) if show_tool_search == "True": display = "block" else: display = "none" %>
%for key, val in app.toolbox.tool_panel.items():
%if key.startswith( 'tool' ): ${render_tool( val, False )} %elif key.startswith( 'section' ): <% section = val %>
%for section_key, section_val in section.elems.items(): %if section_key.startswith( 'tool' ): ${render_tool( section_val, True )} %elif section_key.startswith( 'label' ): ${render_label( section_val )} %endif %endfor
%elif key.startswith( 'label' ): ${render_label( val )} %endif
## Feedback when search returns no results.
Workflow control
<%def name="center_panel()">
Workflow Canvas | ${h.to_unicode( stored.name ) | h}
<%def name="right_panel()">
## Div for elements to modify workflow attributes.
Edit Workflow Attributes
## Workflow name.
${h.to_unicode( stored.name ) | h}
## Workflow tags. <%namespace file="/tagging_common.mako" import="render_individual_tagging_element" />
${render_individual_tagging_element(user=trans.get_user(), tagged_item=stored, elt_context="edit_attributes.mako", use_toggle_link=False, input_size="20")}
Apply tags to make it easy to search for and find items with the same tag.
## Workflow annotation. ## Annotation elt.
%if annotation: ${h.to_unicode( annotation ) | h} %else: Describe or add notes to workflow %endif
Add an annotation or notes to a workflow; annotations are available when a workflow is viewed.
## Div where tool details are loaded and modified.
## Workflow output tagging