<%inherit file="/webapps/galaxy/base_panels.mako"/> <%def name="init()"> <% self.has_left_panel=False self.has_right_panel=False self.active_view="workflow" self.message_box_visible=False %> <%def name="title()">Workflow home <%def name="center_panel()">
%if message: <% try: status except: status = "done" %>

${h.to_unicode( message )}

Your workflows

%if workflows: ## %for i, workflow in enumerate( workflows ): ## %endfor
Name # of StepsLast Updated
%else: You have no workflows. %endif

Workflows shared with you by others

%if shared_by_others: %for i, association in enumerate( shared_by_others ): <% workflow = association.stored_workflow %> %endfor
Name Owner # of Steps
${h.to_unicode( workflow.name )} ${workflow.user.email} ${len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)}
%else: No workflows have been shared with you. %endif

Other options

Configure your workflow menu