%if isinstance( param, DataToolParameter ):
%if ( prefix + param.name ) in step.input_connections_by_name:
conn = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefix + param.name ]
Output dataset '${conn.output_name}' from step ${int(conn.output_step.order_index)+1}
## FIXME: Initialize in the controller
if value is None:
value = other_values[ param.name ] = param.get_initial_value( t, other_values )
${param.get_html_field( t, value, other_values ).get_html( str(step.id) + "|" + prefix )}
%elif isinstance( value, RuntimeValue ) or ( str(step.id) + '|__runtime__' + prefix + param.name ) in incoming:
## On the first load we may see a RuntimeValue, so we write
## an input field using the initial value for the param.
## Subsequents posts will no longer have the runtime value
## (since an actualy value will be posted) so we add a hidden
## field so we know to continue drawing form for this param.
## FIXME: This logic shouldn't be in the template. The
## controller should go through the inputs on the first
## load, fill in initial values where needed, and mark
## all that are runtime modifiable in some way.
<% value = other_values[ param.name ] = param.get_initial_value( t, other_values ) %>
${param.get_html_field( t, value, other_values ).get_html( str(step.id) + "|" + prefix )}
${param.value_to_display_text( value, app )}
%if step.upgrade_messages and param.name in step.upgrade_messages:
Problems were encourered when loading this workflow, likely due to tool
version changes. Missing parameter values have been replaced with default.
Please review the parameter values below.