Output from Rgenetics QC report tool run at 19/05/2010 15:15:46

(Click any preview image to download a full sized PDF version)

    Click here to download the Marker QC Detail report file (1.4 KB) tab delimited
    Click here to download the Subject QC Detail report file (1.4 KB) tab delimited
    All tinywga QC Plots joined into a single pdf All tinywga QC Plots joined into a single pdf 
    All tinywga QC Plots 3 by 3 to a page All tinywga QC Plots 3 by 3 to a page 
    Marker HWE Marker HWEWorst data
    Ranked Marker HWE Ranked Marker HWE 
    LogQQ plot Marker HWE LogQQ plot Marker HWE 
    Marker Missing Genotype Marker Missing GenotypeWorst data
    Ranked Marker Missing Genotype Ranked Marker Missing Genotype 
    Marker MAF Marker MAFWorst data
    Ranked Marker MAF Ranked Marker MAF 
    Subject Missing Genotype Subject Missing GenotypeWorst data
    Ranked Subject Missing Genotype Ranked Subject Missing Genotype 
    Subject F Statistic Subject F Statistic 
    Ranked Subject F Statistic Ranked Subject F Statistic 
    F Statistic Subject F Statistic F Statistic Subject F Statistic 

    All output files from the QC run are available below

    FQNormtinywga_s_het_cum.jpg (30.2 KB)
    FQNormtinywga_s_het_cum.pdf (7.1 KB)
    MarkerDetails_rgQCtest1.xls (1.4 KB)
    QQtinywga_logphweunaff_cum.jpg (33.0 KB)
    QQtinywga_logphweunaff_cum.pdf (6.6 KB)
    Ranked_Marker_HWE.xls (763 B)
    Ranked_Marker_MAF.xls (564 B)
    Ranked_Marker_Missing_Genotype.xls (659 B)
    Ranked_Subject_Missing_Genotype.xls (804 B)
    SubjectDetails_rgQCtest1.xls (1.4 KB)
    ldp_tinywga.bed (143 B)
    ldp_tinywga.bim (392 B)
    ldp_tinywga.fam (603 B)
    ldp_tinywga.log (2.0 KB)
    tinywga.fmendel (378 B)
    tinywga.frq (1.2 KB)
    tinywga.het (2.5 KB)
    tinywga.hwe (6.5 KB)
    tinywga.imendel (612 B)
    tinywga.imiss (1.9 KB)
    tinywga.lmendel (571 B)
    tinywga.lmiss (1.1 KB)
    tinywga.log (1.9 KB)
    tinywga.mendel (56 B)
    tinywga.prune.in (140 B)
    tinywga.prune.out (110 B)
    tinywga.sexcheck (2.5 KB)
    tinywga_All_3x3-0.jpg (45.2 KB)
    tinywga_All_3x3-1.jpg (19.3 KB)
    tinywga_All_3x3.pdf (82.4 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-0.jpg (13.6 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-1.jpg (26.3 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-10.jpg (31.4 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-11.jpg (29.8 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-2.jpg (32.3 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-3.jpg (11.1 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-4.jpg (26.7 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-5.jpg (18.4 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-6.jpg (28.1 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-7.jpg (11.9 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-8.jpg (29.6 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged-9.jpg (17.9 KB)
    tinywga_All_Paged.pdf (81.9 KB)
    tinywga_fracmiss.jpg (12.0 KB)
    tinywga_fracmiss.pdf (6.4 KB)
    tinywga_fracmiss_cum.jpg (30.0 KB)
    tinywga_fracmiss_cum.pdf (7.0 KB)
    tinywga_logphweunaff.jpg (13.6 KB)
    tinywga_logphweunaff.pdf (5.7 KB)
    tinywga_logphweunaff_cum.jpg (26.8 KB)
    tinywga_logphweunaff_cum.pdf (5.8 KB)
    tinywga_maf.jpg (18.5 KB)
    tinywga_maf.pdf (6.4 KB)
    tinywga_maf_cum.jpg (28.5 KB)
    tinywga_maf_cum.pdf (6.0 KB)
    tinywga_missfrac.jpg (11.1 KB)
    tinywga_missfrac.pdf (5.9 KB)
    tinywga_missfrac_cum.jpg (27.3 KB)
    tinywga_missfrac_cum.pdf (5.9 KB)
    tinywga_s_het.jpg (18.0 KB)
    tinywga_s_het.pdf (6.8 KB)
    tinywga_s_het_cum.jpg (31.9 KB)
    tinywga_s_het_cum.pdf (7.3 KB)

    QC run log contents

    ## subject reports starting at 19/05/2010 15:15:38
    ## imissfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/rgtestouts/rgQC/tinywga.imiss contained 40 ids
    ### writing /opt/galaxy/test-data/rgtestouts/rgQC/SubjectDetails_rgQCtest1.xls report with ['famId', 'iId', 'FracMiss', 'Mendel_errors', 'Ped_sex', 'SNP_sex', 'Status', 'XHomEst', 'F_Stat']## marker reports starting at 19/05/2010 15:15:38
    hwe header testpos=2,ppos=8,snppos=1
    ## starting plotpage, newfpath=/opt/galaxy/test-data/rgtestouts/rgQC,m=[['snp', 'chromosome', 'offset', 'maf', 'a1', 'a2', 'missfrac', 'p_hwe_all', 'logp_hwe_all', 'p_hwe_unaff', 'logp_hwe_unaff', 'N_Mendel'], ['rs2283802', '22', '21784722', '0.2593', '4', '2', '0', '0.638', '0.195179', '0.638', '0.195179', '0']],s=[['famId', 'iId', 'FracMiss', 'Mendel_errors', 'Ped_sex', 'SNP_sex', 'Status', 'XHomEst', 'F_Stat'], ['101', '1', '0.04', '0', '2', '0', 'PROBLEM', 'nan', '-0.03355']]/n## Rgenetics: http://rgenetics.org Galaxy Tools rgQC.py Plink runner
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--out tinywga
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--mind 1.0
    	--geno 1.0
    	--maf 0.0
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Writing allele frequencies (founders-only) to [ tinywga.frq ] 
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--out tinywga
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--mind 1.0
    	--geno 1.0
    	--maf 0.0
    	--hwe 0.0
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Writing Hardy-Weinberg tests (founders-only) to [ tinywga.hwe ] 
    0 markers to be excluded based on HWE test ( p <= 0 )
    	0 markers failed HWE test in cases
    	0 markers failed HWE test in controls
    Writing individual missingness information to [ tinywga.imiss ] 
    Writing locus missingness information to [ tinywga.lmiss ] 
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.995
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--out tinywga
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--mind 1.0
    	--geno 1.0
    	--maf 0.0
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.995
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    14 nuclear families, 1 founder singletons found
    13 non-founders with 2 parents in 13 nuclear families
    0 non-founders without 2 parents in 0 nuclear families
    10 affected offspring trios
    0 phenotypically discordant parent pairs found
    Converting data to Individual-major format
    Writing all Mendel errors to [ tinywga.mendel ]
    Writing per-offspring Mendel summary to [ tinywga.imendel ]
    Writing per-family Mendel summary to [ tinywga.fmendel ]
    Writing per-locus Mendel summary to [ tinywga.lmendel ]
    0 Mendel errors detected in total
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--out tinywga
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--mind 1.0
    	--geno 1.0
    	--maf 0.0
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.995
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Converting data to Individual-major format
    Writing X-chromosome sex check results to [ tinywga.sexcheck ] 
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    ## Rgenetics: http://rgenetics.org Galaxy Tools rgQC.py Plink pruneLD runner
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--indep-pairwise 40 20 0.5
    	--out tinywga
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.995
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 25 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Performing LD-based pruning...
    Writing pruned-in SNPs to [ tinywga.prune.in ]
    Writing pruned-out SNPs to [ tinywga.prune.out ]
    Scanning from chromosome 22 to 22
    Scan region on chromosome 22 from [ rs2283802 ] to [ rs4822375 ]
    For chromosome 22, 11 SNPs pruned out, 14 remaining
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ ldp_tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--bfile /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga
    	--extract tinywga.prune.in
    	--out ldp_tinywga
    Reading map (extended format) from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ] 
    25 markers to be included from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ /opt/galaxy/test-data/tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Reading list of SNPs to extract [ tinywga.prune.in ] ... 14 read
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 14 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.991071
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 14 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Writing pedigree information to [ ldp_tinywga.fam ] 
    Writing map (extended format) information to [ ldp_tinywga.bim ] 
    Writing genotype bitfile to [ ldp_tinywga.bed ] 
    Using (default) SNP-major mode
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    |        PLINK!       |     v1.06      |   24/Apr/2009     |
    |  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
    |  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
    |        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |
    Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
    Writing this text to log file [ tinywga.log ]
    Analysis started: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010
    Options in effect:
    	--bfile ldp_tinywga
    	--out tinywga
    Reading map (extended format) from [ ldp_tinywga.bim ] 
    14 markers to be included from [ ldp_tinywga.bim ]
    Reading pedigree information from [ ldp_tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals read from [ ldp_tinywga.fam ] 
    40 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
    Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
    Missing phenotype value is also -9
    10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
    Reading genotype bitfile from [ ldp_tinywga.bed ] 
    Detected that binary PED file is v1.00 SNP-major mode
    Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 14 SNPs
    27 founders and 13 non-founders found
    Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 0.991071
    0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
    0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
    After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 14 SNPs
    After filtering, 10 cases, 30 controls and 0 missing
    After filtering, 21 males, 19 females, and 0 of unspecified sex
     **Warning** this analysis typically requires whole-genome level data
                 to give accurate results 
    Converting data to Individual-major format
    Writing individual heterozygosity information to [ tinywga.het ] 
    Analysis finished: Wed May 19 15:15:38 2010