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40 | <li><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.LinkAndPath.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ"><span class="strong">谺。縺ョ繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ</span></a></li>
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65 | <li><a href="#field_summary">繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝�/a> | </li>
66 | <li><a href="#constructor_summary">繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ</a> | </li>
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81 | <div class="header">
82 | <div class="subTitle">org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL</div>
83 | <h2 title="繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ OWLClassGraph" class="title">繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ OWLClassGraph</h2>
84 | </div>
85 | <div class="contentContainer">
86 | <ul class="inheritance">
87 | <li>java.lang.Object</li>
88 | <li>
89 | <ul class="inheritance">
90 | <li><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.LabeledMultiDigraph</a></li>
91 | <li>
92 | <ul class="inheritance">
93 | <li>org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.OWLClassGraph</li>
94 | </ul>
95 | </li>
96 | </ul>
97 | </li>
98 | </ul>
99 | <div class="description">
100 | <ul class="blockList">
101 | <li class="blockList">
102 | <hr>
103 | <br>
104 | <pre>public class <span class="strong">OWLClassGraph</span>
105 | extends <a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">LabeledMultiDigraph</a></pre>
106 | </li>
107 | </ul>
108 | </div>
109 | <div class="summary">
110 | <ul class="blockList">
111 | <li class="blockList">
112 | <!-- ======== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ======== -->
113 | <ul class="blockList">
114 | <li class="blockList"><a name="nested_class_summary">
115 | <!-- -->
116 | </a>
117 | <h3>繝阪せ繝医&繧後◆繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺ョ讎りヲ�/h3>
118 | <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="繝阪せ繝医&繧後◆繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺ョ讎りヲ∬。ィ縲√ロ繧ケ繝医&繧後◆繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医♀繧医�隱ャ譏�>
119 | <caption><span>繝阪せ繝医&繧後◆繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption>
120 | <tr>
121 | <th class="colFirst" scope="col">菫ョ鬟セ蟄舌→繧ソ繧、繝�/th>
122 | <th class="colLast" scope="col">繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺ィ隱ャ譏�/th>
123 | </tr>
124 | <tr class="altColor">
125 | <td class="colFirst"><code>class </code></td>
126 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.LinkAndPath.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLClassGraph.LinkAndPath</a></strong></code> </td>
127 | </tr>
128 | <tr class="rowColor">
129 | <td class="colFirst"><code>class </code></td>
130 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge</a></strong></code> </td>
131 | </tr>
132 | </table>
133 | <ul class="blockList">
134 | <li class="blockList"><a name="nested_classes_inherited_from_class_org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.LabeledMultiDigraph">
135 | <!-- -->
136 | </a>
137 | <h3>繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺九i邯呎価縺輔l縺溘ロ繧ケ繝医&繧後◆繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ/繧、繝ウ繧ソ繝輔ぉ繝シ繧ケ org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">LabeledMultiDigraph</a></h3>
138 | <code><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.LabeledEdge.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">LabeledMultiDigraph.LabeledEdge</a></code></li>
139 | </ul>
140 | </li>
141 | </ul>
142 | <!-- =========== FIELD SUMMARY =========== -->
143 | <ul class="blockList">
144 | <li class="blockList"><a name="field_summary">
145 | <!-- -->
146 | </a>
147 | <h3>繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝峨�讎りヲ�/h3>
148 | <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝峨�讎りヲ∬。ィ縲√ヵ繧」繝シ繝ォ繝峨�繝ェ繧ケ繝医♀繧医�隱ャ譏�>
149 | <caption><span>繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝�/span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption>
150 | <tr>
151 | <th class="colFirst" scope="col">菫ョ鬟セ蟄舌→繧ソ繧、繝�/th>
152 | <th class="colLast" scope="col">繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝峨→隱ャ譏�/th>
153 | </tr>
154 | <tr class="altColor">
155 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) java.util.List<<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge</a>></code></td>
156 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#allOWLEdge">allOWLEdge</a></strong></code> </td>
157 | </tr>
158 | <tr class="rowColor">
159 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) java.lang.String</code></td>
160 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#endClass">endClass</a></strong></code> </td>
161 | </tr>
162 | <tr class="altColor">
163 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) int</code></td>
164 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#endNode">endNode</a></strong></code> </td>
165 | </tr>
166 | <tr class="rowColor">
167 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) int</code></td>
168 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#limit">limit</a></strong></code> </td>
169 | </tr>
170 | <tr class="altColor">
171 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) int</code></td>
172 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#nsteps">nsteps</a></strong></code> </td>
173 | </tr>
174 | <tr class="rowColor">
175 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) java.lang.String</code></td>
176 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#startClass">startClass</a></strong></code> </td>
177 | </tr>
178 | <tr class="altColor">
179 | <td class="colFirst"><code>(package private) int</code></td>
180 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#startNode">startNode</a></strong></code> </td>
181 | </tr>
182 | </table>
183 | <ul class="blockList">
184 | <li class="blockList"><a name="fields_inherited_from_class_org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.LabeledMultiDigraph">
185 | <!-- -->
186 | </a>
187 | <h3>繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺九i邯呎価縺輔l縺溘ヵ繧」繝シ繝ォ繝�nbsp;org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">LabeledMultiDigraph</a></h3>
188 | <code><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html#adjlist">adjlist</a>, <a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html#labelednodes">labelednodes</a>, <a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html#labels">labels</a></code></li>
189 | </ul>
190 | </li>
191 | </ul>
192 | <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== -->
193 | <ul class="blockList">
194 | <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_summary">
195 | <!-- -->
196 | </a>
197 | <h3>繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ縺ョ讎りヲ�/h3>
198 | <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ縺ョ讎りヲ∬。ィ縲√さ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医♀繧医�隱ャ譏�>
199 | <caption><span>繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption>
200 | <tr>
201 | <th class="colOne" scope="col">繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ縺ィ隱ャ譏�/th>
202 | </tr>
203 | <tr class="altColor">
204 | <td class="colOne"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#OWLClassGraph(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)">OWLClassGraph</a></strong>(java.lang.String p_startClass,
205 | java.lang.String p_endClass)</code> </td>
206 | </tr>
207 | </table>
208 | </li>
209 | </ul>
210 | <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
211 | <ul class="blockList">
212 | <li class="blockList"><a name="method_summary">
213 | <!-- -->
214 | </a>
215 | <h3>繝。繧ス繝�ラ縺ョ讎りヲ�/h3>
216 | <table class="overviewSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="繝。繧ス繝�ラ縺ョ讎りヲ∬。ィ縲√Γ繧ス繝�ラ縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医♀繧医�隱ャ譏�>
217 | <caption><span>繝。繧ス繝�ラ</span><span class="tabEnd"> </span></caption>
218 | <tr>
219 | <th class="colFirst" scope="col">菫ョ鬟セ蟄舌→繧ソ繧、繝�/th>
220 | <th class="colLast" scope="col">繝。繧ス繝�ラ縺ィ隱ャ譏�/th>
221 | </tr>
222 | <tr class="altColor">
223 | <td class="colFirst"><code>void</code></td>
224 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#generateGraph()">generateGraph</a></strong>()</code> </td>
225 | </tr>
226 | <tr class="rowColor">
227 | <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/Path.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">Path</a>[]</code></td>
228 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#getPaths(org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.OWLQueryBuilderImpl)">getPaths</a></strong>(<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLQueryBuilderImpl.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLQueryBuilderImpl</a> qb)</code> </td>
229 | </tr>
230 | <tr class="altColor">
231 | <td class="colFirst"><code>private java.util.List<java.util.List<<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/ClassLink.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">ClassLink</a>>></code></td>
232 | <td class="colLast"><code><strong><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.html#searchPathsFromOWL(org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.OWLQueryBuilderImpl)">searchPathsFromOWL</a></strong>(<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLQueryBuilderImpl.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLQueryBuilderImpl</a> qb)</code> </td>
233 | </tr>
234 | </table>
235 | <ul class="blockList">
236 | <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.LabeledMultiDigraph">
237 | <!-- -->
238 | </a>
239 | <h3>繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺九i邯呎価縺輔l縺溘Γ繧ス繝�ラ org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">LabeledMultiDigraph</a></h3>
240 | <code><a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/LabeledMultiDigraph.html#addNodes(java.lang.String)">addNodes</a></code></li>
241 | </ul>
242 | <ul class="blockList">
243 | <li class="blockList"><a name="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object">
244 | <!-- -->
245 | </a>
246 | <h3>繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ縺九i邯呎価縺輔l縺溘Γ繧ス繝�ラ java.lang.Object</h3>
247 | <code>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</code></li>
248 | </ul>
249 | </li>
250 | </ul>
251 | </li>
252 | </ul>
253 | </div>
254 | <div class="details">
255 | <ul class="blockList">
256 | <li class="blockList">
257 | <!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== -->
258 | <ul class="blockList">
259 | <li class="blockList"><a name="field_detail">
260 | <!-- -->
261 | </a>
262 | <h3>繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ繝峨�隧ウ邏ー</h3>
263 | <a name="startClass">
264 | <!-- -->
265 | </a>
266 | <ul class="blockList">
267 | <li class="blockList">
268 | <h4>startClass</h4>
269 | <pre>java.lang.String startClass</pre>
270 | </li>
271 | </ul>
272 | <a name="endClass">
273 | <!-- -->
274 | </a>
275 | <ul class="blockList">
276 | <li class="blockList">
277 | <h4>endClass</h4>
278 | <pre>java.lang.String endClass</pre>
279 | </li>
280 | </ul>
281 | <a name="startNode">
282 | <!-- -->
283 | </a>
284 | <ul class="blockList">
285 | <li class="blockList">
286 | <h4>startNode</h4>
287 | <pre>int startNode</pre>
288 | </li>
289 | </ul>
290 | <a name="endNode">
291 | <!-- -->
292 | </a>
293 | <ul class="blockList">
294 | <li class="blockList">
295 | <h4>endNode</h4>
296 | <pre>int endNode</pre>
297 | </li>
298 | </ul>
299 | <a name="nsteps">
300 | <!-- -->
301 | </a>
302 | <ul class="blockList">
303 | <li class="blockList">
304 | <h4>nsteps</h4>
305 | <pre>int nsteps</pre>
306 | </li>
307 | </ul>
308 | <a name="limit">
309 | <!-- -->
310 | </a>
311 | <ul class="blockList">
312 | <li class="blockList">
313 | <h4>limit</h4>
314 | <pre>int limit</pre>
315 | </li>
316 | </ul>
317 | <a name="allOWLEdge">
318 | <!-- -->
319 | </a>
320 | <ul class="blockListLast">
321 | <li class="blockList">
322 | <h4>allOWLEdge</h4>
323 | <pre>java.util.List<<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLClassGraph.OWLEdge</a>> allOWLEdge</pre>
324 | </li>
325 | </ul>
326 | </li>
327 | </ul>
328 | <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== -->
329 | <ul class="blockList">
330 | <li class="blockList"><a name="constructor_detail">
331 | <!-- -->
332 | </a>
333 | <h3>繧ウ繝ウ繧ケ繝医Λ繧ッ繧ソ縺ョ隧ウ邏ー</h3>
334 | <a name="OWLClassGraph(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)">
335 | <!-- -->
336 | </a>
337 | <ul class="blockListLast">
338 | <li class="blockList">
339 | <h4>OWLClassGraph</h4>
340 | <pre>public OWLClassGraph(java.lang.String p_startClass,
341 | java.lang.String p_endClass)</pre>
342 | </li>
343 | </ul>
344 | </li>
345 | </ul>
346 | <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== -->
347 | <ul class="blockList">
348 | <li class="blockList"><a name="method_detail">
349 | <!-- -->
350 | </a>
351 | <h3>繝。繧ス繝�ラ縺ョ隧ウ邏ー</h3>
352 | <a name="generateGraph()">
353 | <!-- -->
354 | </a>
355 | <ul class="blockList">
356 | <li class="blockList">
357 | <h4>generateGraph</h4>
358 | <pre>public void generateGraph()</pre>
359 | </li>
360 | </ul>
361 | <a name="getPaths(org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL.OWLQueryBuilderImpl)">
362 | <!-- -->
363 | </a>
364 | <ul class="blockList">
365 | <li class="blockList">
366 | <h4>getPaths</h4>
367 | <pre>public <a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/Path.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">Path</a>[] getPaths(<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLQueryBuilderImpl.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLQueryBuilderImpl</a> qb)</pre>
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375 | <h4>searchPathsFromOWL</h4>
376 | <pre>private java.util.List<java.util.List<<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/ClassLink.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">ClassLink</a>>> searchPathsFromOWL(<a href="../../../../org/biohackathon/SPARQLBuilder/OWL/OWLQueryBuilderImpl.html" title="org.biohackathon.SPARQLBuilder.OWL蜀��繧ッ繝ゥ繧ケ">OWLQueryBuilderImpl</a> qb)</pre>
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