* [#Configure 4store 配置] * [#load Load performance] * [#allieload Allie upload] * [#pdbjload PDBJ upload] * [#uniprotload Uniprot upload] * [#ddbjload DDBJ upload] * [#Sparql Sparql query performance] * [#alliequery Allie query performance] * [#pdbjquery PDBJ query performance] * [#uniprotquery Uniprot query performance] * [#ddbjquery DDBJ query performance] === 4store 配置 === #Configure {{{ $ cd $4STORE_HOME/bin $ ./4s-backend-setup allie $ ./4s-backend allie ./4s-import -v allie --format ntriples datapath --model http://myURI.com }}} Configuration consideration (refer to [http://4store.org/]):[[BR]] Here specify the cluster and segmentation values: [[BR]] 4s-backend-setup --node 0 --cluster 1 --segments 4 demo The number of segments should be a power of 2, parallelisation depends on segmentation. As a rule of thumb try a power of 2 close to twice as many segments as there are physical CPUs or CPU cores on the system, but depending on the workload you may find less or more work better. === Load Performance === #load === Allie upload === #allieload Approach 1: Default setting (2 segments) About 12 minutes Approach 2: 8 segments About 13 minutes Segment setting makes no too much difference. === PDBJ upload === #pdbjload Over 4 days(4.45 days) === Uniprot upload === #uniprotload === DDBJ upload === #ddbjload === Sparql query performance === #Sparql === Allie query performance === #alliequery ||Query\time(ms) ||time 1 || time 2 || time 3 ||time 4||time 5 || ||case1 ||X||X||X||X||X|| ||case2 ||220|| 225|| 212 ||222 ||215|| ||case3 ||X||X||X||X||X|| ||case4 ||X||X||X||X||X|| ||case5 ||68245|| 64945 ||67070|| 67703|| 60794|| === PDBJ query performance === #pdbjquery ||Query\time(ms) ||time 1 || time 2 || time 3 ||time 4||time 5 || ||case1 ||3639 || 1024 ||1026|| 1024|| 1026|| ||case2 ||1024 || 2027|| 2024|| 1027|| 1024|| ||case3 ||97728 || 131|| 134|| 128|| 134|| ||case4 ||2027|| 1023|| 2027|| 2024|| 1023|| === Uniprot query performance === #uniprotquery === DDBJ query performance === #