== ADERIS == * source: sparql-aderis - Revision 143: /trunk svn checkout http://sparql-aderis.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ sparql-aderis-read-only * execute: example: {{{ java -jar ADERIS.jar http://cu.pharmgkb.bio2rdf.org/sparql,http://cu.omim.bio2rdf.org/sparql,http://cu.drugbank.bio2rdf.org/sparql,http://cu.sider.bio2rdf.org/sparql, http://cu.kegg.bio2rdf.org/sparql "select ?s1 ?o1 ?o2 where{ ?s1 . ?s1 ?o1. ?o1 ?o2. ?o2.}" }}} Result: query1: results:zero. ||Query\time(ms) ||time 1 || time 2 || time 3 ||time 4||time 5 ||avg|| ||case1 || 27010||25249||25710||25481|| 26147||25647|| * Analysis: {{{ 1. When doing queries, ADERIS firstly queries each data sources using SPARQL to find out the number of distinct predicate values(Data about subjects/objects not retrieved.) select distinct ?p where { ?s ?p ?o }; select count(?p) where { ?s ?p ?o }; '''potential consequences:''' Without using caches and any metadata information pre-fetched, the system query each endpoint in real time, which could take a long time, especially, when the number of endpoints increases. }}}