バージョン 23 (更新者: wu, 9 年 前)


* Description

  • Use no prior knowledge such as predicates and statistics information of the source endpoints -- up-to-date information of each source
  • Contact each source with "ask" query in real time to determine the target source -- no predicates bound limitation
  • Save the predicate information in cache for future use
  • Join order: a heuristics-based cost estimation(based on a variation of the variable counting technique)

  • Use exclusive group and bound join technology to minimize the number of requests sent to federation members

* source code:



* execute:


[fsearch@cl38 FedX]$ java -jar FedX3.1.jar -d bio2RDF.ttl -f STDOUT -q  "select
 ?s1 ?o1 ?o2 where{ ?s1 <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http
://bio2rdf.org/omim_vocabulary:Gene>.?s1   <http://bio2rdf.org/omim_vocabulary:
refers-to> ?o1. ?o1   <http://bio2rdf.org/omim_vocabulary:x-snomed> ?o2.<http:/
/bio2rdf.org/pharmgkb:PA446359> <http://bio2rdf.org/pharmgkb_vocabulary:x-snome
dct> ?o2.}"


query1: return 5 results query2: return 40 results

query3: return 790 results

query4: return 9492 results

query5: return 111962 results

Query\time(ms) time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4time 5
case1 11624 9469 10377 8978 9355
case2|47152 43902435694241843393
case3 113629 108622109989109297 109796
case4 106218 108579109989107731 106713
case5792628 794677806516819745812255
