バージョン 3 (更新者: wu, 12 年 前)


Load Performance

Please refer to  http://kiban.dbcls.jp/togordf/wiki/OwlimSe4.3 for the detailed load approach and configuration introduction.


-Xmx60G -Xms30G -Druleset=empty -Dentity-index-size=800000000 -Dcache-memory=20000m -Dtuple-index-memory=20000m -Denabl
ePredicateList=false -Dpredicate-memory=0 -Dfts-memory=0 -DftsIndexPolicy=never  -Denable-context-index=false -Din-memo
ry-literal-properties=false -Dtransaction-mode=fast -Dtransaction-isolation=false -Drepository-type=file-repository 

and vm.swappiness=10

We noticed that for Allie it made no too much difference to spllit the whole file into small file set or adjust the configuration setting.

loadtimeCell Cycle Ontology Allie
1st time 3mins 22mins
2nd time 3mins 22mins
average 3mins22mins

Sparql query performance

Here we did the query evaluation by executing the whole query mix (composed of the query sequence) five times in each triple store, removed the highest one and then got the average time cost of the other four queries.

Cell cycle query

Query\time(ms) time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4time 5 avg
case1 120 125 121 122 119121
case2 10 9 9 8 89
case3 2858 2833 2738 2725 26632740
case4 5 4 5 5 45
case5 149 148 150 150 151149
case6 1738 1782 1688 1768 16941722
case7 3 3 3 3 33
case8 38 45 37 41 4139
case9 26 25 25 25 2525
case10 1 1 0 1 01
case11 6 7 6 7 66
case12 47 47 46 47 4647
case13 2 2 2 2 22
case14 1 1 1 1 11
case15 54516 52675 52494 54135 5181152779
case16 7 7 7 9 77
case17 5 4 5 4 44
case18 24 23 24 24 2324
case19 17 17 17 17 1617

Allie query

Query\time(ms) time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4time 5 avg
case1 136 139 137 136 136 136
case2 1550 1531 1579 1544 1530 1539
case3 1085 1080 1091 1083 1091 1085
case4 28 28 29 29 31 29
case5 77517 79261 81779 78765 78942 78621