バージョン 4 (更新者: wu, 9 年 前)



Query FedX(ms) SPLENDID(ms)ANAPSID(ms)ADERIS(ms)
q1 95454764890525647
q2 43321XXX
q3 109426XXX
q4 107310XXX
q5 801519XXX
q3s 106972340205XX
q5s 11216134779XX

"X" for SPLENDID: time out after returned part of the results.

"X" for ANAPSID: no result with message such as "query2 0.00762486457825 0.00762581825256 0.007625818252560.007625 81825256 0 0"

"X" for ADERIS: paser error. however no real syntax error exists.