バージョン 54 (更新者: wu, 12 年 前)



Endpoint Cell Cycle Allie PDBJ UniProt? DDBJ
Virtuoso(min) 4 46 103 * 43hours17mins 78hours8mins
OwlimSE(min) 3 28 127 testing testing
Bigdata(min) 3 62 537 X
4Store (min) 2 12 6408 # #
Mulgara(min) 10 89 X

** It needs another 17 hours to decompress and split the data set.

# We do not test 4Store on larger data set because its scalability is not ideal. From about 100M Allie data set to 500M PDBJ data set the time cost increases 500 times.

X Some Problem occurred when uploading the data. Please refer to its uploading procedure for details.

Error: Macro Image(loadtime.bmp) failed
Attachment 'wiki:summarize: loadtime.bmp' does not exist.

Space used:

Endpoint Cell CycleAllie PDBJ UniProt? DDBJ
Virtuoso 308G 538G
OwlimSE 5.7G 18G 57G 481G 1079G
Bigdata 780M 6.9G 34G
4Store 2.2G 14.7G * * *
Mulgara 2.4G 15.8G X

Query for Cell Cycle:

Endpoint case1 case2 case3 case4 case5 case6 case7 case8 case9 case10 case11 case12 case13 case14 case15 case16 case17 case18 case19
Virtuoso (ms) 24 2 23280342500130735756241212019515605846151616721
OwlimSE(ms) 110 6247221492071233220662046129XXX14
Bigdata(ms) 331 42 3135 16 414 1191 21 97 43 14 23 43 13 13 19093XXX 37
4Store (ms) 56 18 1236 13 33 64 22 67 2035 7 6 1563 8 7 * XXX 15
Mulgara(ms) 1294 20 2207 9 343 2325 32 5833414X96XXXX38

X or * shows that the endpoint does not support "count()" function or some unsupported function causes a wrong result.

Error: Macro Image(cellcycle_bar.bmp) failed
Attachment 'wiki:summarize: cellcycle_bar.bmp' does not exist.
Error: Macro Image(cellcycle_pie.bmp) failed
Attachment 'wiki:summarize: cellcycle_pie.bmp' does not exist.
The pie chart shows that how many percent an end point accounts for the fastest performers.

The data shows that in the cell cycle queries on the 10 million or so triples:

(1)Virtuoso supports more query. In some cases Virtuoso response fast but some others cost far more than others, such as case5 and case19;

(2)Except that OwlimSE cannot support count() function, it totally perform better and has no worst case;

(3)Bigdata and Mulgara perform averagely well;

(4) 4Store do not support count() and give no response in case15. However it performs distinctively better in some cases such as case5 and case6.

Query for Allie:

Endpoint case1 case2 case3 case4 case5
Virtuoso (ms) 23 1413 152 95 27299
OwlimSE(ms) 145 1980 1476 38 68369
Bigdata(ms) 427 4206 2549 212 195021
4Store (ms) X 217 X X 65128
Mulgara(ms) 373 121 X X X

4Store: Donot support "lang()" function.

Mulgara: Unable to support arbitrarily complex ORDER BY clause.

Error: Macro Image(allie_pie.bmp) failed
Attachment 'wiki:summarize: allie_pie.bmp' does not exist.

Query for PDBJ:

Endpoint case1 case2 case3 case4
Virtuoso (ms) 147 2 2 138
OwlimSE(ms) 53 1 191 4
Bigdata(ms) 213 17 55 56
4Store (ms) 1025 1274 131 1524
Mulgara(ms) X X X X

In these two groups of queries on about 100 million triples:

(1) Virtuoso and OwlimSE works better than others. Although in Allie Virtuoso performs a little better and OwlimSE is better in PDBJ, there looks no overwhelming advantages over each other.

(2) In Allie 4Store is still limited but performs better when it executes the query such as in case2. However as increasing the number of triples in PDBJ, it performs worst.

(3) Bigdata still keeps it situation: neither the best one nor the worst one.

Query for Uniprot:

Endpoint case1 case2 case3 case4 case5 case6 case7 case8 case9 case10 case11 case12 case13 case14 case15 case16 case17 case18
Virtuoso (ms) 519511427220634916413605652534289269106319052276
OwlimSE (ms) 429383519139216283814339136924192358794326611722423511232205858758900

Query for DDBJ:

Endpoint case1 case2 case3 case4 case5 case6 case7 case8 case9 case10
OwlimSE (ms) 1864832763710828511755341046820101
Virtuoso (ms) 226218418567985471

In these two group of queries with about 4 billion and 8 billion triples, we found out that Virtuoso performs obviously better.


Our evaluation shows that the importing cost of the data depends on the multiple factors: Server configuration(CPU,memory,harddisk and so on), the system property(vm.swappiness, JVM), the application configuration(cachememory,etc...), the data format, the size of data set and even data contents, e.g. the triple size of DDBJ is nearly 2 times than that of Uniprot, but its importing cost is 2 times less than Uniprot(2 times longer expected if simply considering the proportional scaling).
