バージョン 47 から バージョン 48 における更新: survey
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- 2012/07/18 12:25:13 (12 年 前)
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v47 v48 42 42 '''Virtuoso''' 43 43 44 Virtuoso provides a triple storage solution for RDF in RDBMS platform. Virtuoso is a multi-p rotocoldata server for RDBMS, RDF, XML and so on. It offers stored procedures to load RDFXML, ntriples, and compressed triples and supports for SPARQL. Virtuoso supports limited RDFS and OWL inferencing. Virtuoso can be run in both standalone and cluster mode.The function as a standalone triple store server is available in both open source and commercial licenses. Please refer to [http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/].44 Virtuoso provides a triple storage solution for RDF in RDBMS platform. Virtuoso is a multi-purpose data server for RDBMS, RDF, XML and so on. It offers stored procedures to load RDFXML, ntriples, and compressed triples and supports for SPARQL. Virtuoso supports limited RDFS and OWL inferencing. Virtuoso can be run in both standalone and cluster mode.The function as a standalone triple store server is available in both open source and commercial licenses. Please refer to [http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/]. 45 45 46 46 The following table summarizes some basic information.