バージョン 53 から バージョン 54 における更新: survey

2012/10/01 14:13:30 (12 年 前)



  • survey

    v53 v54  
    1717=== Overview === #overview 
    19 We present an evaluation of native triple stores on biological data. Compared with the data in other areas biological data is typically huge. Therefore the performance of bulk loading and querying are essential to decide whether a triple store can be applied to the biological field. Our target is to verify whether the current triple stores are efficient to deal with the tremendous biological data.  We tested five native triple stores Virtuoso, OwlimSE, Mulgara, 4store, and Bigdata. We chose five real biological data set instead of synthetic ones ranging from tens of millions to eight billions. We presented their load times and query cost but did not test the inference ability in this study. 
     19We present an evaluation of triple stores on biological data. Compared with the data in other areas biological data is typically huge. Therefore the performance of bulk loading and querying are essential to decide whether a triple store can be applied to the biological field. Our target is to verify whether the current triple stores are efficient to deal with the tremendous biological data.  We tested five native triple stores Virtuoso, OwlimSE, Mulgara, 4store, and Bigdata. We chose five real biological data set instead of synthetic ones ranging from tens of millions to eight billions. We presented their load times and query cost but did not test the inference ability in this study. 
    2121For each database we provide several results by adjusting their parameters, which could influence the performance importantly. However  these parameters could perform differently with different hardware and software platforms, and even with different data set. It is difficult to test all the cases by adjusting and combining all the parameters for every data set because the importing of our data set, such as UniProt and DDBJ, may take several days. Therefore we do not guarantee what we provide is the best performance of each database although we try to find out the best performance for each triple store.