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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
4# All rights reserved.
6# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
7# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
8# are also available at
10# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
11# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
12# history and logs, available at
14"""Data structures for message catalogs."""
16from cgi import parse_header
17from datetime import datetime
18from difflib import get_close_matches
19from email import message_from_string
20from copy import copy
21import re
23    set
24except NameError:
25    from sets import Set as set
26import time
28from babel import __version__ as VERSION
29from babel.core import Locale
30from babel.dates import format_datetime
31from babel.messages.plurals import get_plural
32from babel.util import odict, distinct, LOCALTZ, UTC, FixedOffsetTimezone
34__all__ = ['Message', 'Catalog', 'TranslationError']
35__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
38PYTHON_FORMAT = re.compile(r'''(?x)
39    \%
40        (?:\(([\w]*)\))?
41        (
42            [-#0\ +]?(?:\*|[\d]+)?
43            (?:\.(?:\*|[\d]+))?
44            [hlL]?
45        )
46        ([diouxXeEfFgGcrs%])
50class Message(object):
51    """Representation of a single message in a catalog."""
53    def __init__(self, id, string=u'', locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(),
54                 user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None):
55        """Create the message object.
57        :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for
58                   pluralizable messages
59        :param string: the translated message string, or a
60                       ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages
61        :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples
62        :param flags: a set or sequence of flags
63        :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments for the message
64        :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments for the message
65        :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)``
66                            tuple for pluralizable messages
67        :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the
68                       PO file, if any
69        """
70 = id #: The message ID
71        if not string and self.pluralizable:
72            string = (u'', u'')
73        self.string = string #: The message translation
74        self.locations = list(distinct(locations))
75        self.flags = set(flags)
76        if id and self.python_format:
77            self.flags.add('python-format')
78        else:
79            self.flags.discard('python-format')
80        self.auto_comments = list(distinct(auto_comments))
81        self.user_comments = list(distinct(user_comments))
82        if isinstance(previous_id, basestring):
83            self.previous_id = [previous_id]
84        else:
85            self.previous_id = list(previous_id)
86        self.lineno = lineno
88    def __repr__(self):
89        return '<%s %r (flags: %r)>' % (type(self).__name__,,
90                                        list(self.flags))
92    def __cmp__(self, obj):
93        """Compare Messages, taking into account plural ids"""
94        if isinstance(obj, Message):
95            plural = self.pluralizable
96            obj_plural = obj.pluralizable
97            if plural and obj_plural:
98                return cmp([0],[0])
99            elif plural:
100                return cmp([0],
101            elif obj_plural:
102                return cmp(,[0])
103        return cmp(,
105    def clone(self):
106        return Message(*map(copy, (, self.string, self.locations,
107                                   self.flags, self.auto_comments,
108                                   self.user_comments, self.previous_id,
109                                   self.lineno)))
111    def check(self, catalog=None):
112        """Run various validation checks on the message.  Some validations
113        are only performed if the catalog is provided.  This method returns
114        a sequence of `TranslationError` objects.
116        :rtype: ``iterator``
117        :param catalog: A catalog instance that is passed to the checkers
118        :see: `Catalog.check` for a way to perform checks for all messages
119              in a catalog.
120        """
121        from babel.messages.checkers import checkers
122        errors = []
123        for checker in checkers:
124            try:
125                checker(catalog, self)
126            except TranslationError, e:
127                errors.append(e)
128        return errors
130    def fuzzy(self):
131        return 'fuzzy' in self.flags
132    fuzzy = property(fuzzy, doc="""\
133        Whether the translation is fuzzy.
135        >>> Message('foo').fuzzy
136        False
137        >>> msg = Message('foo', 'foo', flags=['fuzzy'])
138        >>> msg.fuzzy
139        True
140        >>> msg
141        <Message 'foo' (flags: ['fuzzy'])>
143        :type:  `bool`
144        """)
146    def pluralizable(self):
147        return isinstance(, (list, tuple))
148    pluralizable = property(pluralizable, doc="""\
149        Whether the message is plurizable.
151        >>> Message('foo').pluralizable
152        False
153        >>> Message(('foo', 'bar')).pluralizable
154        True
156        :type:  `bool`
157        """)
159    def python_format(self):
160        ids =
161        if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
162            ids = [ids]
163        return bool(filter(None, [ for id in ids]))
164    python_format = property(python_format, doc="""\
165        Whether the message contains Python-style parameters.
167        >>> Message('foo %(name)s bar').python_format
168        True
169        >>> Message(('foo %(name)s', 'foo %(name)s')).python_format
170        True
172        :type:  `bool`
173        """)
176class TranslationError(Exception):
177    """Exception thrown by translation checkers when invalid message
178    translations are encountered."""
182# Translations template for PROJECT.
183# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION
184# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
189class Catalog(object):
190    """Representation of a message catalog."""
192    def __init__(self, locale=None, domain=None, header_comment=DEFAULT_HEADER,
193                 project=None, version=None, copyright_holder=None,
194                 msgid_bugs_address=None, creation_date=None,
195                 revision_date=None, last_translator=None, language_team=None,
196                 charset='utf-8', fuzzy=True):
197        """Initialize the catalog object.
199        :param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` object, or `None`
200                       if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically
201                       means it's a template)
202        :param domain: the message domain
203        :param header_comment: the header comment as string, or `None` for the
204                               default header
205        :param project: the project's name
206        :param version: the project's version
207        :param copyright_holder: the copyright holder of the catalog
208        :param msgid_bugs_address: the email address or URL to submit bug
209                                   reports to
210        :param creation_date: the date the catalog was created
211        :param revision_date: the date the catalog was revised
212        :param last_translator: the name and email of the last translator
213        :param language_team: the name and email of the language team
214        :param charset: the encoding to use in the output
215        :param fuzzy: the fuzzy bit on the catalog header
216        """
217        self.domain = domain #: The message domain
218        if locale:
219            locale = Locale.parse(locale)
220        self.locale = locale #: The locale or `None`
221        self._header_comment = header_comment
222        self._messages = odict()
224        self.project = project or 'PROJECT' #: The project name
225        self.version = version or 'VERSION' #: The project version
226        self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder or 'ORGANIZATION'
227        self.msgid_bugs_address = msgid_bugs_address or 'EMAIL@ADDRESS'
229        self.last_translator = last_translator or 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>'
230        """Name and email address of the last translator."""
231        self.language_team = language_team or 'LANGUAGE <>'
232        """Name and email address of the language team."""
234        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
236        if creation_date is None:
237            creation_date =
238        elif isinstance(creation_date, datetime) and not creation_date.tzinfo:
239            creation_date = creation_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ)
240        self.creation_date = creation_date #: Creation date of the template
241        if revision_date is None:
242            revision_date =
243        elif isinstance(revision_date, datetime) and not revision_date.tzinfo:
244            revision_date = revision_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ)
245        self.revision_date = revision_date #: Last revision date of the catalog
246        self.fuzzy = fuzzy #: Catalog header fuzzy bit (`True` or `False`)
248        self.obsolete = odict() #: Dictionary of obsolete messages
249        self._num_plurals = None
250        self._plural_expr = None
252    def _get_header_comment(self):
253        comment = self._header_comment
254        comment = comment.replace('PROJECT', self.project) \
255                         .replace('VERSION', self.version) \
256                         .replace('YEAR', self.revision_date.strftime('%Y')) \
257                         .replace('ORGANIZATION', self.copyright_holder)
258        if self.locale:
259            comment = comment.replace('Translations template', '%s translations'
260                                      % self.locale.english_name)
261        return comment
263    def _set_header_comment(self, string):
264        self._header_comment = string
266    header_comment = property(_get_header_comment, _set_header_comment, doc="""\
267    The header comment for the catalog.
269    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
270    ...                   copyright_holder='Foo Company')
271    >>> print catalog.header_comment #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
272    # Translations template for Foobar.
273    # Copyright (C) ... Foo Company
274    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar project.
276    #
278    The header can also be set from a string. Any known upper-case variables
279    will be replaced when the header is retrieved again:
281    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
282    ...                   copyright_holder='Foo Company')
283    >>> catalog.header_comment = '''\\
284    ... # The POT for my really cool PROJECT project.
285    ... # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 ORGANIZATION
286    ... # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT
287    ... # project.
288    ... #'''
289    >>> print catalog.header_comment
290    # The POT for my really cool Foobar project.
291    # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 Foo Company
292    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar
293    # project.
294    #
296    :type: `unicode`
297    """)
299    def _get_mime_headers(self):
300        headers = []
301        headers.append(('Project-Id-Version',
302                        '%s %s' % (self.project, self.version)))
303        headers.append(('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', self.msgid_bugs_address))
304        headers.append(('POT-Creation-Date',
305                        format_datetime(self.creation_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ',
306                                        locale='en')))
307        if self.locale is None:
308            headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE'))
309            headers.append(('Last-Translator', 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>'))
310            headers.append(('Language-Team', 'LANGUAGE <>'))
311        else:
312            headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date',
313                            format_datetime(self.revision_date,
314                                            'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en')))
315            headers.append(('Last-Translator', self.last_translator))
316            headers.append(('Language-Team',
317                           self.language_team.replace('LANGUAGE',
318                                                      str(self.locale))))
319            headers.append(('Plural-Forms', self.plural_forms))
320        headers.append(('MIME-Version', '1.0'))
321        headers.append(('Content-Type',
322                        'text/plain; charset=%s' % self.charset))
323        headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit'))
324        headers.append(('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % VERSION))
325        return headers
327    def _set_mime_headers(self, headers):
328        for name, value in headers:
329            if name.lower() == 'content-type':
330                mimetype, params = parse_header(value)
331                if 'charset' in params:
332                    self.charset = params['charset'].lower()
333                break
334        for name, value in headers:
335            name = name.lower().decode(self.charset)
336            value = value.decode(self.charset)
337            if name == 'project-id-version':
338                parts = value.split(' ')
339                self.project = u' '.join(parts[:-1])
340                self.version = parts[-1]
341            elif name == 'report-msgid-bugs-to':
342                self.msgid_bugs_address = value
343            elif name == 'last-translator':
344                self.last_translator = value
345            elif name == 'language-team':
346                self.language_team = value
347            elif name == 'plural-forms':
348                _, params = parse_header(' ;' + value)
349                self._num_plurals = int(params.get('nplurals', 2))
350                self._plural_expr = params.get('plural', '(n != 1)')
351            elif name == 'pot-creation-date':
352                # FIXME: this should use dates.parse_datetime as soon as that
353                #        is ready
354                value, tzoffset, _ = re.split('[+-](\d{4})$', value, 1)
355                tt = time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
356                ts = time.mktime(tt)
357                tzoffset = FixedOffsetTimezone(int(tzoffset[:2]) * 60 +
358                                               int(tzoffset[2:]))
359                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
360                self.creation_date = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzoffset)
362    mime_headers = property(_get_mime_headers, _set_mime_headers, doc="""\
363    The MIME headers of the catalog, used for the special ``msgid ""`` entry.
365    The behavior of this property changes slightly depending on whether a locale
366    is set or not, the latter indicating that the catalog is actually a template
367    for actual translations.
369    Here's an example of the output for such a catalog template:
371    >>> created = datetime(1990, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=UTC)
372    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
373    ...                   creation_date=created)
374    >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers:
375    ...     print '%s: %s' % (name, value)
376    Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0
377    Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS
378    POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000
379    PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE
380    Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>
381    Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>
382    MIME-Version: 1.0
383    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
384    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
385    Generated-By: Babel ...
387    And here's an example of the output when the locale is set:
389    >>> revised = datetime(1990, 8, 3, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
390    >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE', project='Foobar', version='1.0',
391    ...                   creation_date=created, revision_date=revised,
392    ...                   last_translator='John Doe <>',
393    ...                   language_team='de_DE <>')
394    >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers:
395    ...     print '%s: %s' % (name, value)
396    Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0
397    Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS
398    POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000
399    PO-Revision-Date: 1990-08-03 12:00+0000
400    Last-Translator: John Doe <>
401    Language-Team: de_DE <>
402    Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)
403    MIME-Version: 1.0
404    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
405    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
406    Generated-By: Babel ...
408    :type: `list`
409    """)
411    def num_plurals(self):
412        if self._num_plurals is None:
413            num = 2
414            if self.locale:
415                num = get_plural(self.locale)[0]
416            self._num_plurals = num
417        return self._num_plurals
418    num_plurals = property(num_plurals, doc="""\
419    The number of plurals used by the catalog or locale.
421    >>> Catalog(locale='en').num_plurals
422    2
423    >>> Catalog(locale='ga').num_plurals
424    3
426    :type: `int`
427    """)
429    def plural_expr(self):
430        if self._plural_expr is None:
431            expr = '(n != 1)'
432            if self.locale:
433                expr = get_plural(self.locale)[1]
434            self._plural_expr = expr
435        return self._plural_expr
436    plural_expr = property(plural_expr, doc="""\
437    The plural expression used by the catalog or locale.
439    >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_expr
440    '(n != 1)'
441    >>> Catalog(locale='ga').plural_expr
442    '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2)'
444    :type: `basestring`
445    """)
447    def plural_forms(self):
448        return 'nplurals=%s; plural=%s' % (self.num_plurals, self.plural_expr)
449    plural_forms = property(plural_forms, doc="""\
450    Return the plural forms declaration for the locale.
452    >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_forms
453    'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)'
454    >>> Catalog(locale='pt_BR').plural_forms
455    'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)'
457    :type: `str`
458    """)
460    def __contains__(self, id):
461        """Return whether the catalog has a message with the specified ID."""
462        return self._key_for(id) in self._messages
464    def __len__(self):
465        """The number of messages in the catalog.
467        This does not include the special ``msgid ""`` entry.
468        """
469        return len(self._messages)
471    def __iter__(self):
472        """Iterates through all the entries in the catalog, in the order they
473        were added, yielding a `Message` object for every entry.
475        :rtype: ``iterator``
476        """
477        buf = []
478        for name, value in self.mime_headers:
479            buf.append('%s: %s' % (name, value))
480        flags = set()
481        if self.fuzzy:
482            flags |= set(['fuzzy'])
483        yield Message(u'', '\n'.join(buf), flags=flags)
484        for key in self._messages:
485            yield self._messages[key]
487    def __repr__(self):
488        locale = ''
489        if self.locale:
490            locale = ' %s' % self.locale
491        return '<%s %r%s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.domain, locale)
493    def __delitem__(self, id):
494        """Delete the message with the specified ID."""
495        key = self._key_for(id)
496        if key in self._messages:
497            del self._messages[key]
499    def __getitem__(self, id):
500        """Return the message with the specified ID.
502        :param id: the message ID
503        :return: the message with the specified ID, or `None` if no such message
504                 is in the catalog
505        :rtype: `Message`
506        """
507        return self._messages.get(self._key_for(id))
509    def __setitem__(self, id, message):
510        """Add or update the message with the specified ID.
512        >>> catalog = Catalog()
513        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo')
514        >>> catalog[u'foo']
515        <Message u'foo' (flags: [])>
517        If a message with that ID is already in the catalog, it is updated
518        to include the locations and flags of the new message.
520        >>> catalog = Catalog()
521        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('', 1)])
522        >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations
523        [('', 1)]
524        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('', 5)])
525        >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations
526        [('', 1), ('', 5)]
528        :param id: the message ID
529        :param message: the `Message` object
530        """
531        assert isinstance(message, Message), 'expected a Message object'
532        key = self._key_for(id)
533        current = self._messages.get(key)
534        if current:
535            if message.pluralizable and not current.pluralizable:
536                # The new message adds pluralization
537       =
538                current.string = message.string
539            current.locations = list(distinct(current.locations +
540                                              message.locations))
541            current.auto_comments = list(distinct(current.auto_comments +
542                                                  message.auto_comments))
543            current.user_comments = list(distinct(current.user_comments +
544                                                  message.user_comments))
545            current.flags |= message.flags
546            message = current
547        elif id == '':
548            # special treatment for the header message
549            headers = message_from_string(message.string.encode(self.charset))
550            self.mime_headers = headers.items()
551            self.header_comment = '\n'.join(['# %s' % comment for comment
552                                             in message.user_comments])
553            self.fuzzy = message.fuzzy
554        else:
555            if isinstance(id, (list, tuple)):
556                assert isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)), \
557                    'Expected sequence but got %s' % type(message.string)
558            self._messages[key] = message
560    def add(self, id, string=None, locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(),
561            user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None):
562        """Add or update the message with the specified ID.
564        >>> catalog = Catalog()
565        >>> catalog.add(u'foo')
566        >>> catalog[u'foo']
567        <Message u'foo' (flags: [])>
569        This method simply constructs a `Message` object with the given
570        arguments and invokes `__setitem__` with that object.
572        :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for
573                   pluralizable messages
574        :param string: the translated message string, or a
575                       ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages
576        :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples
577        :param flags: a set or sequence of flags
578        :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments
579        :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments
580        :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)``
581                            tuple for pluralizable messages
582        :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the
583                       PO file, if any
584        """
585        self[id] = Message(id, string, list(locations), flags, auto_comments,
586                           user_comments, previous_id, lineno=lineno)
588    def check(self):
589        """Run various validation checks on the translations in the catalog.
591        For every message which fails validation, this method yield a
592        ``(message, errors)`` tuple, where ``message`` is the `Message` object
593        and ``errors`` is a sequence of `TranslationError` objects.
595        :rtype: ``iterator``
596        """
597        for message in self._messages.values():
598            errors = message.check(catalog=self)
599            if errors:
600                yield message, errors
602    def update(self, template, no_fuzzy_matching=False):
603        """Update the catalog based on the given template catalog.
605        >>> from babel.messages import Catalog
606        >>> template = Catalog()
607        >>> template.add('green', locations=[('', 99)])
608        >>> template.add('blue', locations=[('', 100)])
609        >>> template.add(('salad', 'salads'), locations=[('', 42)])
610        >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE')
611        >>> catalog.add('blue', u'blau', locations=[('', 98)])
612        >>> catalog.add('head', u'Kopf', locations=[('', 33)])
613        >>> catalog.add(('salad', 'salads'), (u'Salat', u'Salate'),
614        ...             locations=[('', 38)])
616        >>> catalog.update(template)
617        >>> len(catalog)
618        3
620        >>> msg1 = catalog['green']
621        >>> msg1.string
622        >>> msg1.locations
623        [('', 99)]
625        >>> msg2 = catalog['blue']
626        >>> msg2.string
627        u'blau'
628        >>> msg2.locations
629        [('', 100)]
631        >>> msg3 = catalog['salad']
632        >>> msg3.string
633        (u'Salat', u'Salate')
634        >>> msg3.locations
635        [('', 42)]
637        Messages that are in the catalog but not in the template are removed
638        from the main collection, but can still be accessed via the `obsolete`
639        member:
641        >>> 'head' in catalog
642        False
643        >>> catalog.obsolete.values()
644        [<Message 'head' (flags: [])>]
646        :param template: the reference catalog, usually read from a POT file
647        :param no_fuzzy_matching: whether to use fuzzy matching of message IDs
648        """
649        messages = self._messages
650        remaining = messages.copy()
651        self._messages = odict()
653        # Prepare for fuzzy matching
654        fuzzy_candidates = []
655        if not no_fuzzy_matching:
656            fuzzy_candidates = [
657                self._key_for(msgid) for msgid in messages
658                if msgid and messages[msgid].string
659            ]
660        fuzzy_matches = set()
662        def _merge(message, oldkey, newkey):
663            message = message.clone()
664            fuzzy = False
665            if oldkey != newkey:
666                fuzzy = True
667                fuzzy_matches.add(oldkey)
668                oldmsg = messages.get(oldkey)
669                if isinstance(, basestring):
670                    message.previous_id = []
671                else:
672                    message.previous_id = list(
673            else:
674                oldmsg = remaining.pop(oldkey, None)
675            message.string = oldmsg.string
676            if isinstance(, (list, tuple)):
677                if not isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)):
678                    fuzzy = True
679                    message.string = tuple(
680                        [message.string] + ([u''] * (len( - 1))
681                    )
682                elif len(message.string) != len(
683                    fuzzy = True
684                    message.string = tuple(message.string[:len(oldmsg.string)])
685            elif isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)):
686                fuzzy = True
687                message.string = message.string[0]
688            message.flags |= oldmsg.flags
689            if fuzzy:
690                message.flags |= set([u'fuzzy'])
691            self[] = message
693        for message in template:
694            if
695                key = self._key_for(
696                if key in messages:
697                    _merge(message, key, key)
698                else:
699                    if no_fuzzy_matching is False:
700                        # do some fuzzy matching with difflib
701                        matches = get_close_matches(key.lower().strip(),
702                                                    fuzzy_candidates, 1)
703                        if matches:
704                            _merge(message, matches[0], key)
705                            continue
707                    self[] = message
709        self.obsolete = odict()
710        for msgid in remaining:
711            if no_fuzzy_matching or msgid not in fuzzy_matches:
712                self.obsolete[msgid] = remaining[msgid]
714    def _key_for(self, id):
715        """The key for a message is just the singular ID even for pluralizable
716        messages.
717        """
718        key = id
719        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
720            key = id[0]
721        return key
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。