
リビジョン 3, 9.0 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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1# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
2# Licensed under the MIT license:
5Application that runs a CGI script.
7import os
8import subprocess
10    import select
11except ImportError:
12    select = None
14from paste.util import converters
16__all__ = ['CGIError', 'CGIApplication']
18class CGIError(Exception):
19    """
20    Raised when the CGI script can't be found or doesn't
21    act like a proper CGI script.
22    """
24class CGIApplication(object):
26    """
27    This object acts as a proxy to a CGI application.  You pass in the
28    script path (``script``), an optional path to search for the
29    script (if the name isn't absolute) (``path``).  If you don't give
30    a path, then ``$PATH`` will be used.
31    """
33    def __init__(self,
34                 global_conf,
35                 script,
36                 path=None,
37                 include_os_environ=True,
38                 query_string=None):
39        if global_conf:
40            raise NotImplemented(
41                "global_conf is no longer supported for CGIApplication "
42                "(use make_cgi_application); please pass None instead")
43        self.script_filename = script
44        if path is None:
45            path = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':')
46        self.path = path
47        if '?' in script:
48            assert query_string is None, (
49                "You cannot have '?' in your script name (%r) and also "
50                "give a query_string (%r)" % (script, query_string))
51            script, query_string = script.split('?', 1)
52        if os.path.abspath(script) != script:
53            # relative path
54            for path_dir in self.path:
55                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_dir, script)):
56                    self.script = os.path.join(path_dir, script)
57                    break
58            else:
59                raise CGIError(
60                    "Script %r not found in path %r"
61                    % (script, self.path))
62        else:
63            self.script = script
64        self.include_os_environ = include_os_environ
65        self.query_string = query_string
67    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
68        if 'REQUEST_URI' not in environ:
69            environ['REQUEST_URI'] = (
70                environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
71                + environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''))
72        if self.include_os_environ:
73            cgi_environ = os.environ.copy()
74        else:
75            cgi_environ = {}
76        for name in environ:
77            # Should unicode values be encoded?
78            if (name.upper() == name
79                and isinstance(environ[name], str)):
80                cgi_environ[name] = environ[name]
81        if self.query_string is not None:
82            old = cgi_environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
83            if old:
84                old += '&'
85            cgi_environ['QUERY_STRING'] = old + self.query_string
86        cgi_environ['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = self.script
87        proc = subprocess.Popen(
88            [self.script],
89            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
90            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
91            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
92            env=cgi_environ,
93            cwd=os.path.dirname(self.script),
94            )
95        writer = CGIWriter(environ, start_response)
96        if select:
97            proc_communicate(
98                proc,
99                stdin=StdinReader.from_environ(environ),
100                stdout=writer,
101                stderr=environ['wsgi.errors'])
102        else:
103            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(StdinReader.from_environ(environ).read())
104            if stderr:
105                environ['wsgi.errors'].write(stderr)
106            writer(stdout)
107        if not writer.headers_finished:
108            start_response(writer.status, writer.headers)
109        return []
111class CGIWriter(object):
113    def __init__(self, environ, start_response):
114        self.environ = environ
115        self.start_response = start_response
116        self.status = '200 OK'
117        self.headers = []
118        self.headers_finished = False
119        self.writer = None
120        self.buffer = ''
122    def write(self, data):
123        if self.headers_finished:
124            self.writer(data)
125            return
126        self.buffer += data
127        while '\n' in self.buffer:
128            if '\r\n' in self.buffer:
129                line1, self.buffer = self.buffer.split('\r\n', 1)
130            else:
131                line1, self.buffer = self.buffer.split('\n', 1)
132            if not line1:
133                self.headers_finished = True
134                self.writer = self.start_response(
135                    self.status, self.headers)
136                self.writer(self.buffer)
137                del self.buffer
138                del self.headers
139                del self.status
140                break
141            elif ':' not in line1:
142                raise CGIError(
143                    "Bad header line: %r" % line1)
144            else:
145                name, value = line1.split(':', 1)
146                value = value.lstrip()
147                name = name.strip()
148                if name.lower() == 'status':
149                    self.status = value
150                else:
151                    self.headers.append((name, value))
153class StdinReader(object):
155    def __init__(self, stdin, content_length):
156        self.stdin = stdin
157        self.content_length = content_length
159    def from_environ(cls, environ):
160        length = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
161        if length:
162            length = int(length)
163        else:
164            length = 0
165        return cls(environ['wsgi.input'], length)
167    from_environ = classmethod(from_environ)
169    def read(self, size=None):
170        if not self.content_length:
171            return ''
172        if size is None:
173            text =
174        else:
175            text =, size))
176        self.content_length -= len(text)
177        return text
179def proc_communicate(proc, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
180    """
181    Run the given process, piping input/output/errors to the given
182    file-like objects (which need not be actual file objects, unlike
183    the arguments passed to Popen).  Wait for process to terminate.
185    Note: this is taken from the posix version of
186    subprocess.Popen.communicate, but made more general through the
187    use of file-like objects.
188    """
189    read_set = []
190    write_set = []
191    input_buffer = ''
192    trans_nl = proc.universal_newlines and hasattr(open, 'newlines')
194    if proc.stdin:
195        # Flush stdio buffer.  This might block, if the user has
196        # been writing to .stdin in an uncontrolled fashion.
197        proc.stdin.flush()
198        if input:
199            write_set.append(proc.stdin)
200        else:
201            proc.stdin.close()
202    else:
203        assert stdin is None
204    if proc.stdout:
205        read_set.append(proc.stdout)
206    else:
207        assert stdout is None
208    if proc.stderr:
209        read_set.append(proc.stderr)
210    else:
211        assert stderr is None
213    while read_set or write_set:
214        rlist, wlist, xlist =, write_set, [])
216        if proc.stdin in wlist:
217            # When select has indicated that the file is writable,
218            # we can write up to PIPE_BUF bytes without risk
219            # blocking.  POSIX defines PIPE_BUF >= 512
220            next, input_buffer = input_buffer, ''
221            next_len = 512-len(next)
222            if next_len:
223                next +=
224            if not next:
225                proc.stdin.close()
226                write_set.remove(proc.stdin)
227            else:
228                bytes_written = os.write(proc.stdin.fileno(), next)
229                if bytes_written < len(next):
230                    input_buffer = next[bytes_written:]
232        if proc.stdout in rlist:
233            data =, 1024)
234            if data == "":
235                proc.stdout.close()
236                read_set.remove(proc.stdout)
237            if trans_nl:
238                data = proc._translate_newlines(data)
239            stdout.write(data)
241        if proc.stderr in rlist:
242            data =, 1024)
243            if data == "":
244                proc.stderr.close()
245                read_set.remove(proc.stderr)
246            if trans_nl:
247                data = proc._translate_newlines(data)
248            stderr.write(data)
250    try:
251        proc.wait()
252    except OSError, e:
253        if e.errno != 10:
254            raise
256def make_cgi_application(global_conf, script, path=None, include_os_environ=None,
257                         query_string=None):
258    """
259    This object acts as a proxy to a CGI application.  You pass in the
260    script path (``script``), an optional path to search for the
261    script (if the name isn't absolute) (``path``).  If you don't give
262    a path, then ``$PATH`` will be used.
263    """
264    if path is None:
265        path = global_conf.get('path') or global_conf.get('PATH')
266    include_os_environ = converters.asbool(include_os_environ)
267    return CGIApplication(
268        script, path=path, include_os_environ=include_os_environ,
269        query_string=query_string)
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。