
リビジョン 3, 7.4 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

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1# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
2# Licensed under the MIT license:
4Middleware that profiles the request and displays profiling
5information at the bottom of each page.
9import sys
10import os
11import hotshot
12import hotshot.stats
13import threading
14import cgi
15import time
16from cStringIO import StringIO
17from paste import response
19__all__ = ['ProfileMiddleware', 'profile_decorator']
21class ProfileMiddleware(object):
23    """
24    Middleware that profiles all requests.
26    All HTML pages will have profiling information appended to them.
27    The data is isolated to that single request, and does not include
28    data from previous requests.
30    This uses the ``hotshot`` module, which affects performance of the
31    application.  It also runs in a single-threaded mode, so it is
32    only usable in development environments.
33    """
35    style = ('background-color: #ff9; color: #000; '
36             'border: 2px solid #000; padding: 5px;')
38    def __init__(self, app, global_conf=None,
39                 log_filename='profile.log.tmp',
40                 limit=40):
41 = app
42        self.lock = threading.Lock()
43        self.log_filename = log_filename
44        self.limit = limit
46    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
47        catch_response = []
48        body = []
49        def replace_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
50            catch_response.extend([status, headers])
51            start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
52            return body.append
53        def run_app():
54            app_iter =, replace_start_response)
55            try:
56                body.extend(app_iter)
57            finally:
58                if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
59                    app_iter.close()
60        self.lock.acquire()
61        try:
62            prof = hotshot.Profile(self.log_filename)
63            prof.addinfo('URL', environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''))
64            try:
65                prof.runcall(run_app)
66            finally:
67                prof.close()
68            body = ''.join(body)
69            headers = catch_response[1]
70            content_type = response.header_value(headers, 'content-type')
71            if not content_type.startswith('text/html'):
72                # We can't add info to non-HTML output
73                return [body]
74            stats = hotshot.stats.load(self.log_filename)
75            stats.strip_dirs()
76            stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
77            output = capture_output(stats.print_stats, self.limit)
78            output_callers = capture_output(
79                stats.print_callers, self.limit)
80            body += '<pre style="%s">%s\n%s</pre>' % (
81      , cgi.escape(output), cgi.escape(output_callers))
82            return [body]
83        finally:
84            self.lock.release()
86def capture_output(func, *args, **kw):
87    # Not threadsafe! (that's okay when ProfileMiddleware uses it,
88    # though, since it synchronizes itself.)
89    out = StringIO()
90    old_stdout = sys.stdout
91    sys.stdout = out
92    try:
93        func(*args, **kw)
94    finally:
95        sys.stdout = old_stdout
96    return out.getvalue()
98def profile_decorator(**options):
100    """
101    Profile a single function call.
103    Used around a function, like::
105        @profile_decorator(options...)
106        def ...
108    All calls to the function will be profiled.  The options are
109    all keywords, and are:
111        log_file:
112            The filename to log to (or ``'stdout'`` or ``'stderr'``).
113            Default: stderr.
114        display_limit:
115            Only show the top N items, default: 20.
116        sort_stats:
117            A list of string-attributes to sort on.  Default
118            ``('time', 'calls')``.
119        strip_dirs:
120            Strip directories/module names from files?  Default True.
121        add_info:
122            If given, this info will be added to the report (for your
123            own tracking).  Default: none.
124        log_filename:
125            The temporary filename to log profiling data to.  Default;
126            ``./profile_data.log.tmp``
127        no_profile:
128            If true, then don't actually profile anything.  Useful for
129            conditional profiling.
130    """
132    if options.get('no_profile'):
133        def decorator(func):
134            return func
135        return decorator
136    def decorator(func):
137        def replacement(*args, **kw):
138            return DecoratedProfile(func, **options)(*args, **kw)
139        return replacement
140    return decorator
142class DecoratedProfile(object):
144    lock = threading.Lock()
146    def __init__(self, func, **options):
147        self.func = func
148        self.options = options
150    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
151        self.lock.acquire()
152        try:
153            return self.profile(self.func, *args, **kw)
154        finally:
155            self.lock.release()
157    def profile(self, func, *args, **kw):
158        ops = self.options
159        prof_filename = ops.get('log_filename', 'profile_data.log.tmp')
160        prof = hotshot.Profile(prof_filename)
161        prof.addinfo('Function Call',
162                     self.format_function(func, *args, **kw))
163        if ops.get('add_info'):
164            prof.addinfo('Extra info', ops['add_info'])
165        exc_info = None
166        try:
167            start_time = time.time()
168            try:
169                result = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kw)
170            except:
171                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
172            end_time = time.time()
173        finally:
174            prof.close()
175        stats = hotshot.stats.load(prof_filename)
176        os.unlink(prof_filename)
177        if ops.get('strip_dirs', True):
178            stats.strip_dirs()
179        stats.sort_stats(*ops.get('sort_stats', ('time', 'calls')))
180        display_limit = ops.get('display_limit', 20)
181        output = capture_output(stats.print_stats, display_limit)
182        output_callers = capture_output(
183            stats.print_callers, display_limit)
184        output_file = ops.get('log_file')
185        if output_file in (None, 'stderr'):
186            f = sys.stderr
187        elif output_file in ('-', 'stdout'):
188            f = sys.stdout
189        else:
190            f = open(output_file, 'a')
191            f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-'*60))
192            f.write('Date: %s\n' % time.strftime('%c'))
193        f.write('Function call: %s\n'
194                % self.format_function(func, *args, **kw))
195        f.write('Wall time: %0.2f seconds\n'
196                % (end_time - start_time))
197        f.write(output)
198        f.write(output_callers)
199        if output_file not in (None, '-', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
200            f.close()
201        if exc_info:
202            # We captured an exception earlier, now we re-raise it
203            raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
204        return result
206    def format_function(self, func, *args, **kw):
207        args = map(repr, args)
208        args.extend(
209            ['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in kw.items()])
210        return '%s(%s)' % (func.__name__, ', '.join(args))
213def make_profile_middleware(
214    app, global_conf,
215    log_filename='profile.log.tmp',
216    limit=40):
217    """
218    Wrap the application in a component that will profile each
219    request.  The profiling data is then appended to the output
220    of each page.
222    Note that this serializes all requests (i.e., removing
223    concurrency).  Therefore never use this in production.
224    """
225    limit = int(limit)
226    return ProfileMiddleware(
227        app, log_filename=log_filename, limit=limit)
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。