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1# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
2# Licensed under the MIT license:
3# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking, Clark C. Evans and contributors
4# This module is part of the Python Paste Project and is released under
5# the MIT License:
6# Some of this code was funded by:
8HTTP Message Header Fields (see RFC 4229)
10This contains general support for HTTP/1.1 message headers [1]_ in a
11manner that supports WSGI ``environ`` [2]_ and ``response_headers``
12[3]_. Specifically, this module defines a ``HTTPHeader`` class whose
13instances correspond to field-name items.  The actual field-content for
14the message-header is stored in the appropriate WSGI collection (either
15the ``environ`` for requests, or ``response_headers`` for responses).
17Each ``HTTPHeader`` instance is a callable (defining ``__call__``)
18that takes one of the following:
20  - an ``environ`` dictionary, returning the corresponding header
21    value by according to the WSGI's ``HTTP_`` prefix mechanism, e.g.,
22    ``USER_AGENT(environ)`` returns ``environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')``
24  - a ``response_headers`` list, giving a comma-delimited string for
25    each corresponding ``header_value`` tuple entries (see below).
27  - a sequence of string ``*args`` that are comma-delimited into
28    a single string value: ``CONTENT_TYPE("text/html","text/plain")``
29    returns ``"text/html, text/plain"``
31  - a set of ``**kwargs`` keyword arguments that are used to create
32    a header value, in a manner dependent upon the particular header in
33    question (to make value construction easier and error-free):
35    returns ``"public, max-age=60480"``
37Each ``HTTPHeader`` instance also provides several methods to act on
38a WSGI collection, for removing and setting header values.
40  ``delete(collection)``
42    This method removes all entries of the corresponding header from
43    the given collection (``environ`` or ``response_headers``), e.g.,
44    ``USER_AGENT.remove(environ)`` deletes the 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' entry
45    from the ``environ``.
47  ``update(collection, *args, **kwargs)``
49    This method does an in-place replacement of the given header entry,
50    for example: ``CONTENT_LENGTH(response_headers,len(body))``
52    The first argument is a valid ``environ`` dictionary or
53    ``response_headers`` list; remaining arguments are passed on to
54    ``__call__(*args, **kwargs)`` for value construction.
56  ``apply(collection, **kwargs)``
58    This method is similar to update, only that it may affect other
59    headers.  For example, according to recommendations in RFC 2616,
60    certain Cache-Control configurations should also set the
61    ``Expires`` header for HTTP/1.0 clients. By default, ``apply()``
62    is simply ``update()`` but limited to keyword arguments.
64This particular approach to managing headers within a WSGI collection
65has several advantages:
67  1. Typos in the header name are easily detected since they become a
68     ``NameError`` when executed.  The approach of using header strings
69     directly can be problematic; for example, the following should
70     return ``None`` : ``environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES")``
72  2. For specific headers with validation, using ``__call__`` will
73     result in an automatic header value check.  For example, the
74     _ContentDisposition header will reject a value having ``maxage``
75     or ``max_age`` (the appropriate parameter is ``max-age`` ).
77  3. When appending/replacing headers, the field-name has the suggested
78     RFC capitalization (e.g. ``Content-Type`` or ``ETag``) for
79     user-agents that incorrectly use case-sensitive matches.
81  4. Some headers (such as ``Content-Type``) are 0, that is,
82     only one entry of this type may occur in a given set of
83     ``response_headers``.  This module knows about those cases and
84     enforces this cardinality constraint.
86  5. The exact details of WSGI header management are abstracted so
87     the programmer need not worry about operational differences
88     between ``environ`` dictionary or ``response_headers`` list.
90  6. Sorting of ``HTTPHeaders`` is done following the RFC suggestion
91     that general-headers come first, followed by request and response
92     headers, and finishing with entity-headers.
94  7. Special care is given to exceptional cases such as Set-Cookie
95     which violates the RFC's recommendation about combining header
96     content into a single entry using comma separation.
98A particular difficulty with HTTP message headers is a categorization
99of sorts as described in section 4.2:
101    Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be
102    present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for
103    that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e.,
104    #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header
105    fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing
106    the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent
107    field-value to the first, each separated by a comma.
109This creates three fundamentally different kinds of headers:
111  - Those that do not have a #(values) production, and hence are
112    singular and may only occur once in a set of response fields;
113    this case is handled by the ``_SingleValueHeader`` subclass.
115  - Those which have the #(values) production and follow the
116    combining rule outlined above; our ``_MultiValueHeader`` case.
118  - Those which are multi-valued, but cannot be combined (such as the
119    ``Set-Cookie`` header due to its ``Expires`` parameter); or where
120    combining them into a single header entry would cause common
121    user-agents to fail (``WWW-Authenticate``, ``Warning``) since
122    they fail to handle dates even when properly quoted. This case
123    is handled by ``_MultiEntryHeader``.
125Since this project does not have time to provide rigorous support
126and validation for all headers, it does a basic construction of
127headers listed in RFC 2616 (plus a few others) so that they can
128be obtained by simply doing ``from paste.httpheaders import *``;
129the name of the header instance is the "common name" less any
130dashes to give CamelCase style names.
132.. [1]
133.. [2]
134.. [3]
137import urllib2
138import re
139from mimetypes import guess_type
140from rfc822 import formatdate, parsedate_tz, mktime_tz
141from time import time as now
142from httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest
144__all__ = ['get_header', 'list_headers', 'normalize_headers',
145           'HTTPHeader', 'EnvironVariable' ]
147class EnvironVariable(str):
148    """
149    a CGI ``environ`` variable as described by WSGI
151    This is a helper object so that standard WSGI ``environ`` variables
152    can be extracted w/o syntax error possibility.
153    """
154    def __call__(self, environ):
155        return environ.get(self,'')
156    def __repr__(self):
157        return '<EnvironVariable %s>' % self
158    def update(self, environ, value):
159        environ[self] = value
160REMOTE_USER    = EnvironVariable("REMOTE_USER")
162AUTH_TYPE      = EnvironVariable("AUTH_TYPE")
164SCRIPT_NAME    = EnvironVariable("SCRIPT_NAME")
165PATH_INFO      = EnvironVariable("PATH_INFO")
167for _name, _obj in globals().items():
168    if isinstance(_obj, EnvironVariable):
169        __all__.append(_name)
171_headers = {}
173class HTTPHeader(object):
174    """
175    an HTTP header
177    HTTPHeader instances represent a particular ``field-name`` of an
178    HTTP message header. They do not hold a field-value, but instead
179    provide operations that work on is corresponding values.  Storage
180    of the actual field values is done with WSGI ``environ`` or
181    ``response_headers`` as appropriate.  Typically, a sub-classes that
182    represent a specific HTTP header, such as _ContentDisposition, are
183    0.  Once constructed the HTTPHeader instances themselves
184    are immutable and stateless.
186    For purposes of documentation a "container" refers to either a
187    WSGI ``environ`` dictionary, or a ``response_headers`` list.
189    Member variables (and correspondingly constructor arguments).
191      ``name``
193          the ``field-name`` of the header, in "common form"
194          as presented in RFC 2616; e.g. 'Content-Type'
196      ``category``
198          one of 'general', 'request', 'response', or 'entity'
200      ``version``
202          version of HTTP (informational) with which the header should
203          be recognized
205      ``sort_order``
207          sorting order to be applied before sorting on
208          field-name when ordering headers in a response
210    Special Methods:
212       ``__call__``
214           The primary method of the HTTPHeader instance is to make
215           it a callable, it takes either a collection, a string value,
216           or keyword arguments and attempts to find/construct a valid
217           field-value
219       ``__lt__``
221           This method is used so that HTTPHeader objects can be
222           sorted in a manner suggested by RFC 2616.
224       ``__str__``
226           The string-value for instances of this class is
227           the ``field-name``.
229    Primary Methods:
231       ``delete()``
233           remove the all occurrences (if any) of the given
234           header in the collection provided
236       ``update()``
238           replaces (if they exist) all field-value items
239           in the given collection with the value provided
241       ``tuples()``
243           returns a set of (field-name, field-value) tuples
244           5 for extending ``response_headers``
246    Custom Methods (these may not be implemented):
248       ``apply()``
250           similar to ``update``, but with two differences; first,
251           only keyword arguments can be used, and second, specific
252           sub-classes may introduce side-effects
254       ``parse()``
256           converts a string value of the header into a more usable
257           form, such as time in seconds for a date header, etc.
259    The collected versions of initialized header instances are immediately
260    registered and accessible through the ``get_header`` function.  Do not
261    inherit from this directly, use one of ``_SingleValueHeader``,
262    ``_MultiValueHeader``, or ``_MultiEntryHeader`` as appropriate.
263    """
265    #
266    # Things which can be customized
267    #
268    version = '1.1'
269    category = 'general'
270    reference = ''
271    extensions = {}
273    def compose(self, **kwargs):
274        """
275        build header value from keyword arguments
277        This method is used to build the corresponding header value when
278        keyword arguments (or no arguments) were provided.  The result
279        should be a sequence of values.  For example, the ``Expires``
280        header takes a keyword argument ``time`` (e.g. time.time()) from
281        which it returns a the corresponding date.
282        """
283        raise NotImplementedError()
285    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
286        """
287        convert raw header value into more usable form
289        This method invokes ``values()`` with the arguments provided,
290        parses the header results, and then returns a header-specific
291        data structure corresponding to the header.  For example, the
292        ``Expires`` header returns seconds (as returned by time.time())
293        """
294        raise NotImplementedError()
296    def apply(self, collection, **kwargs):
297        """
298        update the collection /w header value (may have side effects)
300        This method is similar to ``update`` only that usage may result
301        in other headers being changed as recommended by the corresponding
302        specification.  The return value is defined by the particular
303        sub-class. For example, the ``_CacheControl.apply()`` sets the
304        ``Expires`` header in addition to its normal behavior.
305        """
306        self.update(collection, **kwargs)
308    #
309    # Things which are standardized (mostly)
310    #
311    def __new__(cls, name, category=None, reference=None, version=None):
312        """
313        construct a new ``HTTPHeader`` instance
315        We use the ``__new__`` operator to ensure that only one
316        ``HTTPHeader`` instance exists for each field-name, and to
317        register the header so that it can be found/enumerated.
318        """
319        self = get_header(name, raiseError=False)
320        if self:
321            # Allow the registration to happen again, but assert
322            # that everything is identical.
323            assert == name, \
324                "duplicate registration with different capitalization"
325            assert self.category == category, \
326                "duplicate registration with different category"
327            assert cls == self.__class__, \
328                "duplicate registration with different class"
329            return self
331        self = object.__new__(cls)
332 = name
333        assert isinstance(, str)
334        self.category = category or self.category
335        self.version  = version or self.version
336        self.reference = reference or self.reference
337        _headers[] = self
338        self.sort_order = {'general': 1, 'request': 2,
339                           'response': 3, 'entity': 4 }[self.category]
340        self._environ_name = getattr(self, '_environ_name',
341                                'HTTP_'+"-","_"))
342        self._headers_name = getattr(self, '_headers_name',
344        assert self.version in ('1.1', '1.0', '0.9')
345        return self
347    def __str__(self):
348        return
350    def __lt__(self, other):
351        """
352        sort header instances as specified by RFC 2616
354        Re-define sorting so that general headers are first, followed
355        by request/response headers, and then entity headers.  The
356        list.sort() methods use the less-than operator for this purpose.
357        """
358        if isinstance(other, HTTPHeader):
359            if self.sort_order != other.sort_order:
360                return self.sort_order < other.sort_order
361            return <
362        return False
364    def __repr__(self):
365        ref = self.reference and (' (%s)' % self.reference) or ''
366        return '<%s %s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,, ref)
368    def values(self, *args, **kwargs):
369        """
370        find/construct field-value(s) for the given header
372        Resolution is done according to the following arguments:
374        - If only keyword arguments are given, then this is equivalent
375          to ``compose(**kwargs)``.
377        - If the first (and only) argument is a dict, it is assumed
378          to be a WSGI ``environ`` and the result of the corresponding
379          ``HTTP_`` entry is returned.
381        - If the first (and only) argument is a list, it is assumed
382          to be a WSGI ``response_headers`` and the field-value(s)
383          for this header are collected and returned.
385        - In all other cases, the arguments are collected, checked that
386          they are string values, possibly verified by the header's
387          logic, and returned.
389        At this time it is an error to provide keyword arguments if args
390        is present (this might change).  It is an error to provide both
391        a WSGI object and also string arguments.  If no arguments are
392        provided, then ``compose()`` is called to provide a default
393        value for the header; if there is not default it is an error.
394        """
395        if not args:
396            return self.compose(**kwargs)
397        if list == type(args[0]):
398            assert 1 == len(args)
399            result = []
400            name =
401            for value in [value for header, value in args[0]
402                         if header.lower() == name]:
403                result.append(value)
404            return result
405        if dict == type(args[0]):
406            assert 1 == len(args) and 'wsgi.version' in args[0]
407            value = args[0].get(self._environ_name)
408            if not value:
409                return ()
410            return (value,)
411        for item in args:
412            assert not type(item) in (dict, list)
413        return args
415    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
416        """
417        converts ``values()`` into a string value
419        This method converts the results of ``values()`` into a string
420        value for common usage.  By default, it is asserted that only
421        one value exists; if you need to access all values then either
422        call ``values()`` directly, or inherit ``_MultiValueHeader``
423        which overrides this method to return a comma separated list of
424        values as described by section 4.2 of RFC 2616.
425        """
426        values = self.values(*args, **kwargs)
427        assert isinstance(values, (tuple, list))
428        if not values:
429            return ''
430        assert len(values) == 1, "more than one value: %s" % repr(values)
431        return str(values[0]).strip()
433    def delete(self, collection):
434        """
435        removes all occurances of the header from the collection provided
436        """
437        if type(collection) == dict:
438            if self._environ_name in collection:
439                del collection[self._environ_name]
440            return self
441        assert list == type(collection)
442        i = 0
443        while i < len(collection):
444            if collection[i][0].lower() == self._headers_name:
445                del collection[i]
446                continue
447            i += 1
449    def update(self, collection, *args, **kwargs):
450        """
451        updates the collection with the provided header value
453        This method replaces (in-place when possible) all occurrences of
454        the given header with the provided value.  If no value is
455        provided, this is the same as ``remove`` (note that this case
456        can only occur if the target is a collection w/o a corresponding
457        header value). The return value is the new header value (which
458        could be a list for ``_MultiEntryHeader`` instances).
459        """
460        value = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
461        if not value:
462            self.remove(collection)
463            return
464        if type(collection) == dict:
465            collection[self._environ_name] = value
466            return
467        assert list == type(collection)
468        i = 0
469        found = False
470        while i < len(collection):
471            if collection[i][0].lower() == self._headers_name:
472                if found:
473                    del collection[i]
474                    continue
475                collection[i] = (, value)
476                found = True
477            i += 1
478        if not found:
479            collection.append((, value))
481    def tuples(self, *args, **kwargs):
482        value = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
483        if not value:
484            return ()
485        return [(, value)]
487class _SingleValueHeader(HTTPHeader):
488    """
489    a ``HTTPHeader`` with exactly a single value
491    This is the default behavior of ``HTTPHeader`` where returning a
492    the string-value of headers via ``__call__`` assumes that only
493    a single value exists.
494    """
495    pass
497class _MultiValueHeader(HTTPHeader):
498    """
499    a ``HTTPHeader`` with one or more values
501    The field-value for these header instances is is allowed to be more
502    than one value; whereby the ``__call__`` method returns a comma
503    separated list as described by section 4.2 of RFC 2616.
504    """
506    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
507        results = self.values(*args, **kwargs)
508        if not results:
509            return ''
510        return ", ".join([str(v).strip() for v in results])
512    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
513        value = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
514        values = value.split(',')
515        return [
516            v.strip() for v in values
517            if v.strip()]
519class _MultiEntryHeader(HTTPHeader):
520    """
521    a multi-value ``HTTPHeader`` where items cannot be combined with a comma
523    This header is multi-valued, but the values should not be combined
524    with a comma since the header is not in compliance with RFC 2616
525    (Set-Cookie due to Expires parameter) or which common user-agents do
526    not behave well when the header values are combined.
527    """
529    def update(self, collection, *args, **kwargs):
530        assert list == type(collection), "``environ`` may not be updated"
531        self.delete(collection)
532        collection.extend(self.tuples(*args, **kwargs))
534    def tuples(self, *args, **kwargs):
535        values = self.values(*args, **kwargs)
536        if not values:
537            return ()
538        return [(, value.strip()) for value in values]
540def get_header(name, raiseError=True):
541    """
542    find the given ``HTTPHeader`` instance
544    This function finds the corresponding ``HTTPHeader`` for the
545    ``name`` provided.  So that python-style names can be used,
546    underscores are converted to dashes before the lookup.
547    """
548    retval = _headers.get(str(name).strip().lower().replace("_","-"))
549    if not retval and raiseError:
550        raise AssertionError("'%s' is an unknown header" % name)
551    return retval
553def list_headers(general=None, request=None, response=None, entity=None):
554    " list all headers for a given category "
555    if not (general or request or response or entity):
556        general = request = response = entity = True
557    search = []
558    for (bool, strval) in ((general, 'general'), (request, 'request'),
559                           (response, 'response'), (entity, 'entity')):
560        if bool:
561            search.append(strval)
562    return [head for head in _headers.values() if head.category in search]
564def normalize_headers(response_headers, strict=True):
565    """
566    sort headers as suggested by  RFC 2616
568    This alters the underlying response_headers to use the common
569    name for each header; as well as sorting them with general
570    headers first, followed by request/response headers, then
571    entity headers, and unknown headers last.
572    """
573    category = {}
574    for idx in range(len(response_headers)):
575        (key, val) = response_headers[idx]
576        head = get_header(key, strict)
577        if not head:
578            newhead = '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in
579                                key.replace("_","-").split("-")])
580            response_headers[idx] = (newhead, val)
581            category[newhead] = 4
582            continue
583        response_headers[idx] = (str(head), val)
584        category[str(head)] = head.sort_order
585    def compare(a, b):
586        ac = category[a[0]]
587        bc = category[b[0]]
588        if ac == bc:
589            return cmp(a[0], b[0])
590        return cmp(ac, bc)
591    response_headers.sort(compare)
593class _DateHeader(_SingleValueHeader):
594    """
595    handle date-based headers
597    This extends the ``_SingleValueHeader`` object with specific
598    treatment of time values:
600    - It overrides ``compose`` to provide a sole keyword argument
601      ``time`` which is an offset in seconds from the current time.
603    - A ``time`` method is provided which parses the given value
604      and returns the current time value.
605    """
607    def compose(self, time=None, delta=None):
608        time = time or now()
609        if delta:
610            assert type(delta) == int
611            time += delta
612        return (formatdate(time),)
614    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
615        """ return the time value (in seconds since 1970) """
616        value = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
617        if value:
618            try:
619                return mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(value))
620            except TypeError:
621                raise HTTPBadRequest((
622                    "Received an ill-formed timestamp for %s: %s\r\n") %
623                    (, value))
626# Following are specific HTTP headers. Since these classes are mostly
627# singletons, there is no point in keeping the class around once it has
628# been instantiated, so we use the same name.
631class _CacheControl(_MultiValueHeader):
632    """
633    Cache-Control, RFC 2616 14.9  (use ``CACHE_CONTROL``)
635    This header can be constructed (using keyword arguments), by
636    first specifying one of the following mechanisms:
638      ``public``
640          if True, this argument specifies that the
641          response, as a whole, may be cashed.
643      ``private``
645          if True, this argument specifies that the response, as a
646          whole, may be cashed; this implementation does not support
647          the enumeration of private fields
649      ``no_cache``
651          if True, this argument specifies that the response, as a
652          whole, may not be cashed; this implementation does not
653          support the enumeration of private fields
655    In general, only one of the above three may be True, the other 2
656    must then be False or None.  If all three are None, then the cache
657    is assumed to be ``public``.  Following one of these mechanism
658    specifiers are various modifiers:
660      ``no_store``
662          indicates if content may be stored on disk;
663          otherwise cache is limited to memory (note:
664          users can still save the data, this applies
665          to intermediate caches)
667      ``max_age``
669          the maximum duration (in seconds) for which
670          the content should be cached; if ``no-cache``
671          is specified, this defaults to 0 seconds
673      ``s_maxage``
675          the maximum duration (in seconds) for which the
676          content should be allowed in a shared cache.
678      ``no_transform``
680          specifies that an intermediate cache should
681          not convert the content from one type to
682          another (e.g. transform a BMP to a PNG).
684      ``extensions``
686          gives additional cache-control extensions,
687          such as items like, community="UCI" (14.9.6)
689    The usage of ``apply()`` on this header has side-effects. As
690    recommended by RFC 2616, if ``max_age`` is provided, then then the
691    ``Expires`` header is also calculated for HTTP/1.0 clients and
692    proxies (this is done at the time ``apply()`` is called).  For
693    ``no-cache`` and for ``private`` cases, we either do not want the
694    response cached or do not want any response accidently returned to
695    other users; so to prevent this case, we set the ``Expires`` header
696    to the time of the request, signifying to HTTP/1.0 transports that
697    the content isn't to be cached.  If you are using SSL, your
698    communication is already "private", so to work with HTTP/1.0
699    browsers over SSL, consider specifying your cache as ``public`` as
700    the distinction between public and private is moot.
701    """
703    # common values for max-age; "good enough" approximates
704    ONE_HOUR  = 60*60
705    ONE_DAY   = ONE_HOUR * 24
706    ONE_WEEK  = ONE_DAY * 7
707    ONE_MONTH = ONE_DAY * 30
708    ONE_YEAR  = ONE_WEEK * 52
710    def _compose(self, public=None, private=None, no_cache=None,
711                 no_store=False, max_age=None, s_maxage=None,
712                 no_transform=False, **extensions):
713        assert isinstance(max_age, (type(None), int))
714        assert isinstance(s_maxage, (type(None), int))
715        expires = 0
716        result = []
717        if private is True:
718            assert not public and not no_cache and not s_maxage
719            result.append('private')
720        elif no_cache is True:
721            assert not public and not private and not max_age
722            result.append('no-cache')
723        else:
724            assert public is None or public is True
725            assert not private and not no_cache
726            expires = max_age
727            result.append('public')
728        if no_store:
729            result.append('no-store')
730        if no_transform:
731            result.append('no-transform')
732        if max_age is not None:
733            result.append('max-age=%d' % max_age)
734        if s_maxage is not None:
735            result.append('s-maxage=%d' % s_maxage)
736        for (k, v) in extensions.items():
737            if k not in self.extensions:
738                raise AssertionError("unexpected extension used: '%s'" % k)
739            result.append('%s="%s"' % (k.replace("_", "-"), v))
740        return (result, expires)
742    def compose(self, **kwargs):
743        (result, expires) = self._compose(**kwargs)
744        return result
746    def apply(self, collection, **kwargs):
747        """ returns the offset expiration in seconds """
748        (result, expires) = self._compose(**kwargs)
749        if expires is not None:
750            EXPIRES.update(collection, delta=expires)
751        self.update(collection, *result)
752        return expires
754_CacheControl('Cache-Control', 'general', 'RFC 2616, 14.9')
756class _ContentType(_SingleValueHeader):
757    """
758    Content-Type, RFC 2616 section 14.17
760    Unlike other headers, use the CGI variable instead.
761    """
762    version = '1.0'
763    _environ_name = 'CONTENT_TYPE'
765    # common mimetype constants
766    UNKNOWN    = 'application/octet-stream'
767    TEXT_PLAIN = 'text/plain'
768    TEXT_HTML  = 'text/html'
769    TEXT_XML   = 'text/xml'
771    def compose(self, major=None, minor=None, charset=None):
772        if not major:
773            if minor in ('plain', 'html', 'xml'):
774                major = 'text'
775            else:
776                assert not minor and not charset
777                return (self.UNKNOWN,)
778        if not minor:
779            minor = "*"
780        result = "%s/%s" % (major, minor)
781        if charset:
782            result += "; charset=%s" % charset
783        return (result,)
785_ContentType('Content-Type', 'entity', 'RFC 2616, 14.17')
787class _ContentLength(_SingleValueHeader):
788    """
789    Content-Length, RFC 2616 section 14.13
791    Unlike other headers, use the CGI variable instead.
792    """
793    version = "1.0"
794    _environ_name = 'CONTENT_LENGTH'
796_ContentLength('Content-Length', 'entity', 'RFC 2616, 14.13')
798class _ContentDisposition(_SingleValueHeader):
799    """
800    Content-Disposition, RFC 2183 (use ``CONTENT_DISPOSITION``)
802    This header can be constructed (using keyword arguments),
803    by first specifying one of the following mechanisms:
805      ``attachment``
807          if True, this specifies that the content should not be
808          shown in the browser and should be handled externally,
809          even if the browser could render the content
811      ``inline``
813         exclusive with attachment; indicates that the content
814         should be rendered in the browser if possible, but
815         otherwise it should be handled externally
817    Only one of the above 2 may be True.  If both are None, then
818    the disposition is assumed to be an ``attachment``. These are
819    distinct fields since support for field enumeration may be
820    added in the future.
822      ``filename``
824          the filename parameter, if any, to be reported; if
825          this is None, then the current object's filename
826          attribute is used
828    The usage of ``apply()`` on this header has side-effects. If
829    filename is provided, and Content-Type is not set or is
830    'application/octet-stream', then the mimetypes.guess is used to
831    upgrade the Content-Type setting.
832    """
834    def _compose(self, attachment=None, inline=None, filename=None):
835        result = []
836        if inline is True:
837            assert not attachment
838            result.append('inline')
839        else:
840            assert not inline
841            result.append('attachment')
842        if filename:
843            assert '"' not in filename
844            filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
845            filename = filename.split("\\")[-1]
846            result.append('filename="%s"' % filename)
847        return (("; ".join(result),), filename)
849    def compose(self, **kwargs):
850        (result, mimetype) = self._compose(**kwargs)
851        return result
853    def apply(self, collection, **kwargs):
854        """ return the new Content-Type side-effect value """
855        (result, filename) = self._compose(**kwargs)
856        mimetype = CONTENT_TYPE(collection)
857        if filename and (not mimetype or CONTENT_TYPE.UNKNOWN == mimetype):
858            mimetype, _ = guess_type(filename)
859            if mimetype and CONTENT_TYPE.UNKNOWN != mimetype:
860                CONTENT_TYPE.update(collection, mimetype)
861        self.update(collection, *result)
862        return mimetype
864_ContentDisposition('Content-Disposition', 'entity', 'RFC 2183')
866class _IfModifiedSince(_DateHeader):
867    """
868    If-Modified-Since, RFC 2616 section 14.25
869    """
870    version = '1.0'
872    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
873        """
874        Split the value on ';' incase the header includes extra attributes. E.g.
875        IE 6 is known to send:
876        If-Modified-Since: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 20:36:35 GMT; length=1506
877        """
878        return _DateHeader.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs).split(';', 1)[0]
880    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
881        value = _DateHeader.parse(self, *args, **kwargs)
882        if value and value > now():
883            raise HTTPBadRequest((
884              "Please check your system clock.\r\n"
885              "According to this server, the time provided in the\r\n"
886              "%s header is in the future.\r\n") %
887        return value
888_IfModifiedSince('If-Modified-Since', 'request', 'RFC 2616, 14.25')
890class _Range(_MultiValueHeader):
891    """
892    Range, RFC 2616 14.35 (use ``RANGE``)
894    According to section 14.16, the response to this message should be a
895    206 Partial Content and that if multiple non-overlapping byte ranges
896    are requested (it is an error to request multiple overlapping
897    ranges) the result should be sent as multipart/byteranges mimetype.
899    The server should respond with '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'
900    if the requested ranges are out-of-bounds.  The specification also
901    indicates that a syntax error in the Range request should result in
902    the header being ignored rather than a '400 Bad Request'.
903    """
905    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
906        """
907        Returns a tuple (units, list), where list is a sequence of
908        (begin, end) tuples; and end is None if it was not provided.
909        """
910        value = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
911        if not value:
912            return None
913        ranges = []
914        last_end   = -1
915        try:
916            (units, range) = value.split("=", 1)
917            units = units.strip().lower()
918            for item in range.split(","):
919                (begin, end) = item.split("-")
920                if not begin.strip():
921                    begin = 0
922                else:
923                    begin = int(begin)
924                if begin <= last_end:
925                    raise ValueError()
926                if not end.strip():
927                    end = None
928                else:
929                    end = int(end)
930                last_end = end
931                ranges.append((begin, end))
932        except ValueError:
933            # In this case where the Range header is malformed,
934            # section 14.16 says to treat the request as if the
935            # Range header was not present.  How do I log this?
936            return None
937        return (units, ranges)
938_Range('Range', 'request', 'RFC 2616, 14.35')
940class _AcceptLanguage(_MultiValueHeader):
941    """
942    Accept-Language, RFC 2616 section 14.4
943    """
945    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
946        """
947        Return a list of language tags sorted by their "q" values.  For example,
948        "en-us,en;q=0.5" should return ``["en-us", "en"]``.  If there is no
949        ``Accept-Language`` header present, default to ``[]``.
950        """
951        header = self.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
952        if header is None:
953            return []
954        langs = [v for v in header.split(",") if v]
955        qs = []
956        for lang in langs:
957            pieces = lang.split(";")
958            lang, params = pieces[0].strip().lower(), pieces[1:]
959            q = 1
960            for param in params:
961                if '=' not in param:
962                    # Malformed request; probably a bot, we'll ignore
963                    continue
964                lvalue, rvalue = param.split("=")
965                lvalue = lvalue.strip().lower()
966                rvalue = rvalue.strip()
967                if lvalue == "q":
968                    q = float(rvalue)
969            qs.append((lang, q))
970        qs.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a[1], b[1]))
971        return [lang for (lang, q) in qs]
972_AcceptLanguage('Accept-Language', 'request', 'RFC 2616, 14.4')
974class _AcceptRanges(_MultiValueHeader):
975    """
976    Accept-Ranges, RFC 2616 section 14.5
977    """
978    def compose(self, none=None, bytes=None):
979        if bytes:
980            return ('bytes',)
981        return ('none',)
982_AcceptRanges('Accept-Ranges', 'response', 'RFC 2616, 14.5')
984class _ContentRange(_SingleValueHeader):
985    """
986    Content-Range, RFC 2616 section 14.6
987    """
988    def compose(self, first_byte=None, last_byte=None, total_length=None):
989        retval = "bytes %d-%d/%d" % (first_byte, last_byte, total_length)
990        assert last_byte == -1 or first_byte <= last_byte
991        assert last_byte  < total_length
992        return (retval,)
993_ContentRange('Content-Range', 'entity', 'RFC 2616, 14.6')
995class _Authorization(_SingleValueHeader):
996    """
997    Authorization, RFC 2617 (RFC 2616, 14.8)
998    """
999    def compose(self, digest=None, basic=None, username=None, password=None,
1000                challenge=None, path=None, method=None):
1001        assert username and password
1002        if basic or not challenge:
1003            assert not digest
1004            userpass = "%s:%s" % (username.strip(), password.strip())
1005            return "Basic %s" % userpass.encode('base64').strip()
1006        assert challenge and not basic
1007        path = path or "/"
1008        (_, realm) = challenge.split('realm="')
1009        (realm, _) = realm.split('"', 1)
1010        auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler()
1011        auth.add_password(realm, path, username, password)
1012        (token, challenge) = challenge.split(' ', 1)
1013        chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
1014        class FakeRequest(object):
1015            def get_full_url(self):
1016                return path
1017            def has_data(self):
1018                return False
1019            def get_method(self):
1020                return method or "GET"
1021            get_selector = get_full_url
1022        retval = "Digest %s" % auth.get_authorization(FakeRequest(), chal)
1023        return (retval,)
1024_Authorization('Authorization', 'request', 'RFC 2617')
1027# For now, construct a minimalistic version of the field-names; at a
1028# later date more complicated headers may sprout content constructors.
1029# The items commented out have concrete variants.
1031for (name,              category, version, style,      comment) in \
1032(("Accept"             ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.1' )
1033,("Accept-Charset"     ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.2' )
1034,("Accept-Encoding"    ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.3' )
1035#,("Accept-Language"    ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.4' )
1036#,("Accept-Ranges"      ,'response','1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.5' )
1037,("Age"                ,'response','1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.6' )
1038,("Allow"              ,'entity'  ,'1.0','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.7' )
1039#,("Authorization"      ,'request' ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.8' )
1040#,("Cache-Control"      ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.9' )
1041,("Cookie"             ,'request' ,'1.0','multi-value','RFC 2109/Netscape')
1042,("Connection"         ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.10')
1043,("Content-Encoding"   ,'entity'  ,'1.0','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.11')
1044#,("Content-Disposition",'entity'  ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 15.5' )
1045,("Content-Language"   ,'entity'  ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.12')
1046#,("Content-Length"     ,'entity'  ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.13')
1047,("Content-Location"   ,'entity'  ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.14')
1048,("Content-MD5"        ,'entity'  ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.15')
1049#,("Content-Range"      ,'entity'  ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.16')
1050#,("Content-Type"       ,'entity'  ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.17')
1051,("Date"               ,'general' ,'1.0','date-header','RFC 2616, 14.18')
1052,("ETag"               ,'response','1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.19')
1053,("Expect"             ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.20')
1054,("Expires"            ,'entity'  ,'1.0','date-header','RFC 2616, 14.21')
1055,("From"               ,'request' ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.22')
1056,("Host"               ,'request' ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.23')
1057,("If-Match"           ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.24')
1058#,("If-Modified-Since"  ,'request' ,'1.0','date-header','RFC 2616, 14.25')
1059,("If-None-Match"      ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.26')
1060,("If-Range"           ,'request' ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.27')
1061,("If-Unmodified-Since",'request' ,'1.1','date-header' ,'RFC 2616, 14.28')
1062,("Last-Modified"      ,'entity'  ,'1.0','date-header','RFC 2616, 14.29')
1063,("Location"           ,'response','1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.30')
1064,("Max-Forwards"       ,'request' ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.31')
1065,("Pragma"             ,'general' ,'1.0','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.32')
1066,("Proxy-Authenticate" ,'response','1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.33')
1067,("Proxy-Authorization",'request' ,'1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.34')
1068#,("Range"              ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.35')
1069,("Referer"            ,'request' ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.36')
1070,("Retry-After"        ,'response','1.1','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.37')
1071,("Server"             ,'response','1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.38')
1072,("Set-Cookie"         ,'response','1.0','multi-entry','RFC 2109/Netscape')
1073,("TE"                 ,'request' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.39')
1074,("Trailer"            ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.40')
1075,("Transfer-Encoding"  ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.41')
1076,("Upgrade"            ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.42')
1077,("User-Agent"         ,'request' ,'1.0','singular'   ,'RFC 2616, 14.43')
1078,("Vary"               ,'response','1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.44')
1079,("Via"                ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-value','RFC 2616, 14.45')
1080,("Warning"            ,'general' ,'1.1','multi-entry','RFC 2616, 14.46')
1081,("WWW-Authenticate"   ,'response','1.0','multi-entry','RFC 2616, 14.47')):
1082    klass = {'multi-value': _MultiValueHeader,
1083             'multi-entry': _MultiEntryHeader,
1084             'date-header': _DateHeader,
1085             'singular'   : _SingleValueHeader}[style]
1086    klass(name, category, comment, version).__doc__ = comment
1087    del klass
1089for head in _headers.values():
1090    headname ="-","_").upper()
1091    locals()[headname] = head
1092    __all__.append(headname)
1094__pudge_all__ = __all__[:]
1095for _name, _obj in globals().items():
1096    if isinstance(_obj, type) and issubclass(_obj, HTTPHeader):
1097        __pudge_all__.append(_name)
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。