
リビジョン 3, 1.3 KB (コミッタ: kohda, 14 年 前)

Install Unix tools

1class AppFactoryDescription(object):
2    description = """
3    This gives a factory/function that can create WSGI apps
4    """
6class CompositeFactoryDescription(object):
7    description = """
8    This gives a factory/function that can create WSGI apps, and has
9    access to the application creator so that it can in turn fetch
10    apps based on name.
11    """
13class FilterAppFactoryDescription(object):
14    description = """
15    This gives a factory/function that wraps a WSGI application to
16    create another WSGI application (typically applying middleware)
17    """
19class FilterFactoryDescription(object):
20    description = """
21    This gives a factory/function that return a function that can wrap
22    a WSGI application and returns another WSGI application.
23    paste.filter_app_factory is the same thing with less layers.
24    """
26class ServerFactoryDescription(object):
27    description = """
28    This gives a factory/function that creates a server, that can be
29    called with a WSGI application to run indefinitely.
30    paste.server_runner is the same thing with less layers.
31    """
33class ServerRunnerDescription(object):
34    description = """
35    This gives a factory/function that, given a WSGI application and
36    configuration, will serve the application indefinitely.
37    """
Note: リポジトリブラウザについてのヘルプは TracBrowser を参照してください。